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Analyzer for clojure code, host agnostic.

Entry point:

  • analyze

Platform implementers must provide dynamic bindings for:

  • macroexpand-1
  • parse
  • create-var
  • var?

Setting up the global env is also required, see

See for an example on how to setup the analyzer.

Analyzer for clojure code, host agnostic.

Entry point:
* analyze

Platform implementers must provide dynamic bindings for:
* macroexpand-1
* parse
* create-var
* var?

Setting up the global env is also required, see

See for an example on how to setup the analyzer.
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Utilities for querying tools.analyzer ASTs with Datomic

Utilities for querying tools.analyzer ASTs with Datomic
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core.memoize is a memoization library offering functionality above Clojure's core memoize function in the following ways:

Pluggable memoization

core.memoize allows for different back-end cache implmentations to be used as appropriate without changing the memoization modus operandi.

Manipulable memoization

Because core.memoize allows you to access a function's memoization store, you do interesting things like clear it, modify it, and save it for later.

core.memoize is a memoization library offering functionality above Clojure's core `memoize`
function in the following ways:

**Pluggable memoization**

core.memoize allows for different back-end cache implmentations to be used as appropriate without
changing the memoization modus operandi.

**Manipulable memoization**

Because core.memoize allows you to access a function's memoization store, you do interesting things like
clear it, modify it, and save it for later.
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A priority map is very similar to a sorted map, but whereas a sorted map produces a sequence of the entries sorted by key, a priority map produces the entries sorted by value. In addition to supporting all the functions a sorted map supports, a priority map can also be thought of as a queue of [item priority] pairs. To support usage as a versatile priority queue, priority maps also support conj/peek/pop operations.

The standard way to construct a priority map is with priority-map: user=> (def p (priority-map :a 2 :b 1 :c 3 :d 5 :e 4 :f 3)) #'user/p user=> p {:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

So :b has priority 1, :a has priority 2, and so on. Notice how the priority map prints in an order sorted by its priorities (i.e., the map's values)

We can use assoc to assign a priority to a new item: user=> (assoc p :g 1) {:b 1, :g 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

or to assign a new priority to an extant item: user=> (assoc p :c 4) {:b 1, :a 2, :f 3, :c 4, :e 4, :d 5}

We can remove an item from the priority map: user=> (dissoc p :e) {:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :d 5}

An alternative way to add to the priority map is to conj a [item priority] pair: user=> (conj p [:g 0]) {:g 0, :b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

or use into: user=> (into p [[:g 0] [:h 1] [:i 2]]) {:g 0, :b 1, :h 1, :a 2, :i 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

Priority maps are countable: user=> (count p) 6

Like other maps, equivalence is based not on type, but on contents. In other words, just as a sorted-map can be equal to a hash-map, so can a priority-map. user=> (= p {:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}) true

You can test them for emptiness: user=> (empty? (priority-map)) true user=> (empty? p) false

You can test whether an item is in the priority map: user=> (contains? p :a) true user=> (contains? p :g) false

It is easy to look up the priority of a given item, using any of the standard map mechanisms: user=> (get p :a) 2 user=> (get p :g 10) 10 user=> (p :a) 2 user=> (:a p) 2

Priority maps derive much of their utility by providing priority-based seq. Note that no guarantees are made about the order in which items of the same priority appear. user=> (seq p) ([:b 1] [:a 2] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:e 4] [:d 5]) Because no guarantees are made about the order of same-priority items, note that rseq might not be an exact reverse of the seq. It is only guaranteed to be in descending order. user=> (rseq p) ([:d 5] [:e 4] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:a 2] [:b 1])

This means first/rest/next/for/map/etc. all operate in priority order. user=> (first p) [:b 1] user=> (rest p) ([:a 2] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:e 4] [:d 5])

Priority maps support metadata: user=> (meta (with-meta p {:extra :info})) {:extra :info}

But perhaps most importantly, priority maps can also function as priority queues. peek, like first, gives you the first [item priority] pair in the collection. pop removes the first [item priority] from the collection. (Note that unlike rest, which returns a seq, pop returns a priority map).

user=> (peek p) [:b 1] user=> (pop p) {:a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

It is also possible to use a custom comparator: user=> (priority-map-by > :a 1 :b 2 :c 3) {:c 3, :b 2, :a 1}

Sometimes, it is desirable to have a map where the values contain more information than just the priority. For example, let's say you want a map like: {:a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot]} and you want to sort the map by the numeric priority found in the pair.

A common mistake is to try to solve this with a custom comparator: (priority-map (fn [[priority1 _] [priority2 _]] (< priority1 priority2)) :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot])

This will not work! In Clojure, like Java, all comparators must be total orders, meaning that you can't have a tie unless the objects you are comparing are in fact equal. The above comparator breaks that rule because [2 :apple] and [2 :apricot] tie, but are not equal.

The correct way to construct such a priority map is by specifying a keyfn, which is used to extract the true priority from the priority map's vals. (Note: It might seem a little odd that the priority-extraction function is called a keyfn, even though it is applied to the map's values. This terminology is based on the docstring of clojure.core/sort-by, which uses keyfn for the function which extracts the sort order.)

In the above example,

user=> (priority-map-keyfn first :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot]) {:b [1 :banana], :a [2 :apple], :c [3 :carrot]}

You can also combine a keyfn with a comparator that operates on the extracted priorities:

user=> (priority-map-keyfn-by first > :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot]) {:c [3 :carrot], :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana]}

All of these operations are efficient. Generally speaking, most operations are O(log n) where n is the number of distinct priorities. Some operations (for example, straightforward lookup of an item's priority, or testing whether a given item is in the priority map) are as efficient as Clojure's built-in map.

The key to this efficiency is that internally, not only does the priority map store an ordinary hash map of items to priority, but it also stores a sorted map that maps priorities to sets of items with that priority.

A typical textbook priority queue data structure supports at the ability to add a [item priority] pair to the queue, and to pop/peek the next [item priority] pair. But many real-world applications of priority queues require more features, such as the ability to test whether something is already in the queue, or to reassign a priority. For example, a standard formulation of Dijkstra's algorithm requires the ability to reduce the priority number associated with a given item. Once you throw persistence into the mix with the desire to adjust priorities, the traditional structures just don't work that well.

This particular blend of Clojure's built-in hash sets, hash maps, and sorted maps proved to be a great way to implement an especially flexible persistent priority queue.

Connoisseurs of algorithms will note that this structure's peek operation is not O(1) as it would be if based upon a heap data structure, but I feel this is a small concession for the blend of persistence, priority reassignment, and priority-sorted seq, which can be quite expensive to achieve with a heap (I did actually try this for comparison). Furthermore, this peek's logarithmic behavior is quite good (on my computer I can do a million peeks at a priority map with a million items in 750ms). Also, consider that peek and pop usually follow one another, and even with a heap, pop is logarithmic. So the net combination of peek and pop is not much different between this versatile formulation of a priority map and a more limited heap-based one. In a nutshell, peek, although not O(1), is unlikely to be the bottleneck in your program.

All in all, I hope you will find priority maps to be an easy-to-use and useful addition to Clojure's assortment of built-in maps (hash-map and sorted-map).

A priority map is very similar to a sorted map, but whereas a sorted map produces a
sequence of the entries sorted by key, a priority map produces the entries sorted by value.
In addition to supporting all the functions a sorted map supports, a priority map
can also be thought of as a queue of [item priority] pairs.  To support usage as
a versatile priority queue, priority maps also support conj/peek/pop operations.

The standard way to construct a priority map is with priority-map:
user=> (def p (priority-map :a 2 :b 1 :c 3 :d 5 :e 4 :f 3))
user=> p
{:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

So :b has priority 1, :a has priority 2, and so on.
Notice how the priority map prints in an order sorted by its priorities (i.e., the map's values)

We can use assoc to assign a priority to a new item:
user=> (assoc p :g 1)
{:b 1, :g 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

or to assign a new priority to an extant item:
user=> (assoc p :c 4)
{:b 1, :a 2, :f 3, :c 4, :e 4, :d 5}

We can remove an item from the priority map:
user=> (dissoc p :e)
{:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :d 5}

An alternative way to add to the priority map is to conj a [item priority] pair:
user=> (conj p [:g 0])
{:g 0, :b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

or use into:
user=> (into p [[:g 0] [:h 1] [:i 2]])
{:g 0, :b 1, :h 1, :a 2, :i 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

Priority maps are countable:
user=> (count p)

Like other maps, equivalence is based not on type, but on contents.
In other words, just as a sorted-map can be equal to a hash-map,
so can a priority-map.
user=> (= p {:b 1, :a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5})

You can test them for emptiness:
user=> (empty? (priority-map))
user=> (empty? p)

You can test whether an item is in the priority map:
user=> (contains? p :a)
user=> (contains? p :g)

It is easy to look up the priority of a given item, using any of the standard map mechanisms:
user=> (get p :a)
user=> (get p :g 10)
user=> (p :a)
user=> (:a p)

Priority maps derive much of their utility by providing priority-based seq.
Note that no guarantees are made about the order in which items of the same priority appear.
user=> (seq p)
([:b 1] [:a 2] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:e 4] [:d 5])
Because no guarantees are made about the order of same-priority items, note that
rseq might not be an exact reverse of the seq.  It is only guaranteed to be in
descending order.
user=> (rseq p)
([:d 5] [:e 4] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:a 2] [:b 1])

This means first/rest/next/for/map/etc. all operate in priority order.
user=> (first p)
[:b 1]
user=> (rest p)
([:a 2] [:c 3] [:f 3] [:e 4] [:d 5])

Priority maps support metadata:
user=> (meta (with-meta p {:extra :info}))
{:extra :info}

But perhaps most importantly, priority maps can also function as priority queues.
peek, like first, gives you the first [item priority] pair in the collection.
pop removes the first [item priority] from the collection.
(Note that unlike rest, which returns a seq, pop returns a priority map).

user=> (peek p)
[:b 1]
user=> (pop p)
{:a 2, :c 3, :f 3, :e 4, :d 5}

It is also possible to use a custom comparator:
user=> (priority-map-by > :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
{:c 3, :b 2, :a 1}

Sometimes, it is desirable to have a map where the values contain more information
than just the priority.  For example, let's say you want a map like:
{:a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot]}
and you want to sort the map by the numeric priority found in the pair.

A common mistake is to try to solve this with a custom comparator:
  (fn [[priority1 _] [priority2 _]] (< priority1 priority2))
  :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot])

This will not work!  In Clojure, like Java, all comparators must be total orders,
meaning that you can't have a tie unless the objects you are comparing are
in fact equal.  The above comparator breaks that rule because
[2 :apple] and [2 :apricot] tie, but are not equal.

The correct way to construct such a priority map is by specifying a keyfn, which is used
to extract the true priority from the priority map's vals.  (Note: It might seem a little odd
that the priority-extraction function is called a *key*fn, even though it is applied to the
map's values.  This terminology is based on the docstring of clojure.core/sort-by, which
uses `keyfn` for the function which extracts the sort order.) 

In the above example,

user=> (priority-map-keyfn first :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot])
{:b [1 :banana], :a [2 :apple], :c [3 :carrot]}

You can also combine a keyfn with a comparator that operates on the extracted priorities:

user=> (priority-map-keyfn-by 
          first >
          :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana], :c [3 :carrot])
{:c [3 :carrot], :a [2 :apple], :b [1 :banana]}


All of these operations are efficient.  Generally speaking, most operations
are O(log n) where n is the number of distinct priorities.  Some operations
(for example, straightforward lookup of an item's priority, or testing
whether a given item is in the priority map) are as efficient
as Clojure's built-in map.

The key to this efficiency is that internally, not only does the priority map store
an ordinary hash map of items to priority, but it also stores a sorted map that
maps priorities to sets of items with that priority.

A typical textbook priority queue data structure supports at the ability to add
a [item priority] pair to the queue, and to pop/peek the next [item priority] pair.
But many real-world applications of priority queues require more features, such
as the ability to test whether something is already in the queue, or to reassign
a priority.  For example, a standard formulation of Dijkstra's algorithm requires the
ability to reduce the priority number associated with a given item.  Once you
throw persistence into the mix with the desire to adjust priorities, the traditional
structures just don't work that well.

This particular blend of Clojure's built-in hash sets, hash maps, and sorted maps
proved to be a great way to implement an especially flexible persistent priority queue.

Connoisseurs of algorithms will note that this structure's peek operation is not O(1) as
it would be if based upon a heap data structure, but I feel this is a small concession for
the blend of persistence, priority reassignment, and priority-sorted seq, which can be
quite expensive to achieve with a heap (I did actually try this for comparison).  Furthermore,
this peek's logarithmic behavior is quite good (on my computer I can do a million
peeks at a priority map with a million items in 750ms).  Also, consider that peek and pop
usually follow one another, and even with a heap, pop is logarithmic.  So the net combination
of peek and pop is not much different between this versatile formulation of a priority map and
a more limited heap-based one.  In a nutshell, peek, although not O(1), is unlikely to be the
bottleneck in your program.

All in all, I hope you will find priority maps to be an easy-to-use and useful addition
to Clojure's assortment of built-in maps (hash-map and sorted-map).
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The public contracts programming functions and macros for clojure.core.contracts.

The public contracts programming functions and macros for clojure.core.contracts.
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Track namespace dependencies and changes by monitoring file-modification timestamps

Track namespace dependencies and changes by monitoring
file-modification timestamps
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Refactoring tool to move a Clojure namespace from one name/file to another, and update all references to that namespace in your other Clojure source files.

WARNING: This code is ALPHA and subject to change. It also modifies and deletes your source files! Make sure you have a backup or version control.

Refactoring tool to move a Clojure namespace from one name/file to
another, and update all references to that namespace in your other
Clojure source files.

WARNING: This code is ALPHA and subject to change. It also modifies
and deletes your source files! Make sure you have a backup or
version control.
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Parse Clojure namespace (ns) declarations and extract dependencies.

Parse Clojure namespace (ns) declarations and extract
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Force reloading namespaces on demand or through a dependency tracker

Force reloading namespaces on demand or through a
dependency tracker
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Dependency tracker which can compute which namespaces need to be reloaded after files have changed. This is the low-level implementation that requires you to find the namespace dependencies yourself: most uses will interact with the wrappers in and or the public API in

Dependency tracker which can compute which namespaces need to be
reloaded after files have changed. This is the low-level
implementation that requires you to find the namespace dependencies
yourself: most uses will interact with the wrappers in and or the
public API in
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