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Please don't create "snapshot" releases. Consider instead:

  • can you / people perform lein install?
  • can one gain confidence through better tests?

Steps to prepare in making a new release:

Make sure CI is green.

Update with any differences in behavior.

Places where version number should be updated:

  • resources/EASTWOOD_VERSION
  • (header)

Update the changelog in

Commit all of those changes.

Tag it with a version tag, e.g.:

% git tag -a v1.4.1 -m "1.4.1"

'git push' by default does not push tags to the remote server. To cause that to happen, use:

% git push origin --tags

Then release to via the CI integration.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
vemv & Andy Fingerhut
Edit on GitHub

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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