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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of


0.1.11 / 2024-05-16

  • Update to Clojure 1.11 to handle ##Inf etc. #237
  • Switch to borkdude/edamame for side-effect free parsing. #235, #246
  • Correctly gather options-spec require vectors as maps so we can check for :as and :as-alias. #238
  • Moved all of the test/resources files to a new corpus folder which isn't loaded by default on test runs.
  • Clarify maintenance status in README.

0.1.10 / 2024-05-09

  • Fix scm information in generated pom.xml.

[0.1.9] / 2024-05-09


  • Add deps.edn section to the README #251 - @port19x
  • Add kibit.driver/exec to further support deps.edn usage #252 - @carrete


  • Include end of range in simplify-map #239 - @svdo
  • Update README, fix various typos #256 - @terop


[0.1.8] / 2019-11-18


[0.1.7] / 2019-07-15


  • Print the file path, column, and line number if an error occurs while reading a file. #212 - @LukasRychtecky


  • Use platform-independent newlines when joining strings


[0.1.6] / 2018-11-08


  • A long awaited feature/fix - Kibit now supports reading namespaced keywords correctly. A very special thanks to Alex Redington who took this tricky task on. #198.
  • Make Kibit work with local-repos. #195
  • Fixup the monkeypatching. #192
  • Add alias support to the reader
  • Improve source path handling to prevent checking duplicates

[0.1.5] / 2017-05-02

  • 0.1.4, but released properly.

[0.1.4] / 2017-05-05


  • Automatic replacement of suggestions (--replace and --interactive cli arguments)
  • Rules for using run! instead of (dorun (map f coll))

[0.1.3] / 2016-11-21


  • Enabled Emacs' next error function to go to next Kibit suggestion. See the updated code in the README for the change.
  • #172 Kibit can now handle sets without crashing!
  • #152 Send exceptions to STDERR instead of STDOUT
  • New rules (#154, #165, )
  • #168 Bumped to new versions of clojure and tools.cli dependencies
  • #171 Update core.logic to avoid exception from spec

[0.1.2] / 2015-04-21


  • Clojurescript/Cljx support (cljc support coming soon). This just works™, kibit will pick up your source paths from your project.clj's :source-paths, [:cljsbuild :builds], and [:cljx :builds].
  • Non-zero exit codes. Kibit now exits non-zero when one or more suggestions are made. This is particularly useful for those running checks in a CI environment.
  • You can now run kibit on any Clojure project without a project.clj file. Just call lein kibit with any number of files and folders and it will inspect the Clojure files contained within.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Daniel Compton, Noah Bogart, Reid 'arrdem' McKenzie & James Brennan
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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