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Refer a part of edn-file in local fs AoT, embed as immediate value


This library aims to embed configurable parameters to built cljs code.



Clojars Project


$ cat dev.cljs.edn

^{:watch-dirs ["src" "src-dev"]
  :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]}
{:main foo.core
 :output-to "cljs-out/cl.js"
 :foreign-libs [{:file "js/pixi.min.js" :provides ["PIXI"]}
                {:file "js/lz-string.min.js" :provides ["LZString"]}]
 :externs ["externs/pixi.js" "externs/lz-string.js"]}

for clj

(ns xxx.yyy
  (:require [edn-file-aot-resolver.core :as efar]))

(efar/get "./dev.cljs.edn" :main) ; => 'foo.core

(efar/defpath ::dce "./dev.cljs.edn")

(efar/get ::dce :main) ; => 'foo.core

(efar/get ::dce :output-to) ; => "cljs-out/cl.js"

(efar/get ::dce :abc) ; => nil

(efar/get ::dce :abc "fallback") ; => "fallback"

(efar/get-in ::dce [:foreign-libs 0 :file]) ; => "js/pixi.min.js"

(efar/get-in ::dce [:foreign-libs 9 :file] :fallback) ; => :fallback

(efar/get-in ::dce [:externs 1]) ; => "externs/lz-string.js"

(efar/get-meta ::dce :watch-dirs) ; => ["src" "src-dev"]

(efar/get-in-meta ::dce [:watch-dirs 1]) ; => "src-dev"

for cljs

(ns xxx.yyy
  (:require-macros [edn-file-aot-resolver.core :as efar]))

;;; Same as clj


  • efar/get, efar/get-in, efar/get-meta and efar/get-in-meta are macros. These are replaced to actual values in compile time. These values are independed from original files.

    • If you changed to referred entries in original files, you may remove target/ for clean old values in compiled files.
  • efar/get efar/get-in efar/get-meta efar/get-in-meta はマクロです。 コンパイル時に実際の値に置換され、 その後は参照元のファイルがなくても機能します。

    • コンパイル時埋め込みである為、もし元ファイル内のエントリの値を 変更した際には一旦 target/ 配下を破棄し、古い値が埋め込まれた コンパイル後ファイルを明示的に削除した方がよいでしょう。


  • 1.0.1 (2019-08-04)

    • Don't throw exception by defpath overwriting, but println warnings
  • 1.0.0 (2019-08-04)

    • Initial release

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