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Helpers for core.async

Helper pack for core.async with focus on error propagation, see docs for more and examples.


  • error propagation by climbing up the go block stack via go / go-loop / map / reduce / <! / <? and more (all functions within this package propagate errors)
  • promise channel helpers
  • helpers to handle callback based functions by conversion into channel via cb->c and <cb!

Getting started

Get it / add dependency

Add the following dependency to your project.clj:
Clojars Project


(ns your-project
      [clojure.core.async :refer [timeout]]
      [jtk-dvlp.async :as a])

      [cljs.core.async :refer [timeout]]
      [jtk-dvlp.async :as a])))

(defn ?do-some-async-stuff
  [& args]
    (a/<! (timeout 1000))
    (let [result
          {:call-args args}]

      (println result)

(defn ?fail-during-some-async-stuff
  [& args]
    (a/<! (timeout 1000))
    (->> {:call-args args}
         (ex-info "you got a bug")

(defn ?do-some-more-stuff
    (let [a
          (a/<! (?do-some-async-stuff :a))

          (a/<! (?fail-during-some-async-stuff :b))

          (a/<! (?do-some-async-stuff :c))]

      [a b c])))

      (->> (?do-some-more-stuff)
           (println "success"))
      (catch #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
                :cljs ExceptionInfo) e
        (println "there is an error" e)))))


I´d be thankful to receive patches, comments and constructive criticism.

Hope the package is useful :-)

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