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(<! ?exp)

Like core.async/<! but tests taken val of exception (ExceptionInfo), if so throws it.

Like `core.async/<!` but tests taken val of exception (`ExceptionInfo`), if so throws it.
sourceraw docstring


(<? sync-or-async-exp)

Like <! but can handle channels and non channel values.

Like `<!` but can handle channels and non channel values.
sourceraw docstring


(all chs)

Alias for (map vector chs) providing an vector of all resolved values.

Alias for `(map vector chs)` providing an vector of all resolved values.
sourceraw docstring


(amap <f & xs)

Like clojure.core/map but given function <f is async. Execution of <f with values of xs can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Also see smap

Like `clojure.core/map` but given function `<f` is async. Execution of `<f` with values of `xs` can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.

Also see `smap`
sourceraw docstring


(apostwalk <f form)

Like clojure.core/postwalk but given function <f is async. Execution with values of form can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `clojure.core/postwalk` but given function `<f` is async. Execution with values of `form` can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(aprewalk <f form)

Like clojure.core/prewalk but given function <f is async. Execution with values of form can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `clojure.core/prewalk` but given function `<f` is async. Execution with values of `form` can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(areduce <f init coll)

Like clojure.core/reduce but given function <f is async. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `clojure.core/reduce` but given function `<f` is async. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(awalk <inner <outer form)

Like clojure.core/walk but given function <inner and <outer are async. Execution with values of form can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `clojure.core/walk` but given function `<inner` and `<outer` are async. Execution with values of `form` can be unordered an for clojure (not clojurescript) in parallel. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


Alias for smap

Alias for `smap`
sourceraw docstring


(chan? x)


(consume! ch f)

Consumes channel ch executing function f for every value on channel. Spawns a new thread for Execution. Execution will be asynchron. Call returns immediately with nil.

Consumes channel `ch` executing function `f` for every value on channel. Spawns a new thread for Execution. Execution will be asynchron. Call returns immediately with `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


(exception? x)


(go & body)

Like core.async/go but carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `core.async/go` but carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(go-loop bindings & body)

Like core.async/go-loop but carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `core.async/go-loop` but carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(into coll ch)

Like core.async/into but carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `core.async/into` but carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(map f chs)

Like core.async/map but carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `core.async/map` but carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(reduce f init ch)

Like core.async/reduce but carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Like `core.async/reduce` but carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.
sourceraw docstring


(smap <f & xs)

Like clojure.core/map but given function <f is async. Execution of <f with values of xs will be sequential with the given order of xs. Carries thrown exception (will convert to ExceptionInfo) as result.

Also see amap

Like `clojure.core/map` but given function `<f` is async. Execution of `<f` with values of `xs` will be sequential with the given order of `xs`. Carries thrown exception (will convert to `ExceptionInfo`) as result.

Also see `amap`
sourceraw docstring

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