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(change-ratio origin editscript)

Return an approximation of the ratio of changes of an editscript, a double

Return an approximation of the ratio of changes of an editscript, a double
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(combine this that)

Concate that editscript onto this editscript, return the new editscript

Concate that editscript onto this editscript, return the new
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(data-nodes data)

Return the number of nodes of a piece of data.

Return the number of nodes of a piece of data.
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(diff a b)
(diff a b {:keys [algo] :or {algo :a-star} :as opts})

Create an editscript to represent the transformations needed to turn a Clojure data structure a into another Clojure data structure b.

This function accepts any nested Clojure data structures. In Clojure, those implement IPersistentVector, IPersistentMap, IPersistentList, and IPersistentSet will be treated as collections. The same are true for the corresponding deftypes in Clojurescript, such as PersistentVector, PersistentMap, and so on. Anything else are treated as atomic values.

The editscript is represented as a vector of basic operations: add :+, delete :-, and replace :r. Each operation also include a path to the location of the operation, which is similar to the path vector in update-in. However, editscript path works for all above four collection types, not just associative ones. For :+ and :r, a new value is also required.

The following options are supported in the option map of the last argument:

  • :algo chooses the diff algorithm. The value can be :a-star (default) or :quick; :a-star algorithm minimize the size of the resulting editscript, :quick algorithm is much faster, but does not producing diff with minimal size.

  • :str-diff specifies the granularity of string diffing. It may have one of the following values:

    • :none (default), do not perform string diffing, the fastest.
    • :line, diff by line.
    • :word, diff by word,
    • :character, diff by character, the slowest.
  • :str-change-limit, a less than 1.0 and greater than 0.0 double value, representing percentage (default 0.2). Only diff string when less than given percentage is changed, otherwise replace the string.

  • :vec-timeout specifies a timeout in milliseconds (default 1000), for diffing vectors, lists or strings, as it has O(n^2) running time. When timed-out, a replacement operation will be used.

Create an editscript to represent the transformations needed to turn a
Clojure data structure `a` into another Clojure data structure `b`.

This function accepts any nested Clojure data structures. In Clojure, those
implement `IPersistentVector`, `IPersistentMap`, `IPersistentList`,
and `IPersistentSet` will be treated as collections. The same are true for
the corresponding deftypes in Clojurescript, such as `PersistentVector`,
`PersistentMap`, and so on. Anything else are treated as atomic values.

The editscript is represented as a vector of basic operations: add `:+`,
delete `:-`, and replace `:r`. Each operation also include a path to the
location of the operation, which is similar to the path vector in `update-in`.
However, editscript path works for all above four collection types, not just
associative ones. For `:+` and `:r`, a new value is also required.

The following options are supported in the option map of the last argument:

* `:algo`  chooses the diff algorithm. The value can be `:a-star` (default) or
`:quick`; `:a-star` algorithm minimize the size of the resulting editscript,
`:quick` algorithm is much faster, but does not producing diff with minimal size.

* `:str-diff` specifies the granularity of string diffing. It may have one of
the following values:
     - `:none`  (default), do not perform string diffing, the fastest.
     - `:line`, diff by line.
     - `:word`, diff by word,
     - `:character`, diff by character, the slowest.

* `:str-change-limit`, a less than `1.0` and greater than `0.0` double value,
representing percentage (default `0.2`). Only diff string when less than given
percentage is changed, otherwise replace the string.

* `:vec-timeout` specifies a timeout in milliseconds (default `1000`),
for diffing vectors, lists or strings, as it has O(n^2) running time. When
timed-out, a replacement operation will be used.
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(edit-distance es)

Report the edit distance of the editscript, i.e. number of operations

Report the edit distance of the editscript, i.e. number of
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(edits->script edits)

Create an EditScript instance from a vector of edits, like those obtained through calling get-edits on an EditScript

Create an EditScript instance from a vector of edits, like those
obtained through calling `get-edits` on an EditScript
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(get-adds-num es)

Report the number of additions in the editscript

Report the number of additions in the editscript
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(get-dels-num es)

Report the number of deletes in the editscript

Report the number of deletes in the editscript
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(get-edits es)

Report the edits of the editscript as a vector

Report the edits of the editscript as a vector
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(get-reps-num es)

Report the edits of replacements in the editscript

Report the edits of replacements in the editscript
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(get-size es)

Report the size of the editscript

Report the size of the editscript
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(patch a script)

Apply the editscript script on a to produce b, assuming the script is the results of running (diff a b), such that (= b (patch a (diff a b))) is true

Apply the editscript `script` on `a` to produce `b`, assuming the
script is the results of running  `(diff a b)`, such that
`(= b (patch a (diff a b)))` is true
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(valid-edits? edits)

Check if the given vector represents valid edits that can be turned into an EditScript

Check if the given vector represents valid edits that can be turned
into an EditScript
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