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WebSocket Client

This is the cljs (client) side of the websocket connection. This should be paired with ftravers/websocket-server.



(ns ...
  (:require [cljs.core.async :refer [<! >!]]
            [websocket-client.core :refer [async-websocket]])
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))

(defn websocket-test []
  (let [url  "ws://localhost:7890"
        aws (async-websocket url)  ;; initialize & connect on the websocket

    ;; Write into the websocket
    (go (>! aws "Sending a test messsage."))

    ;; Read out of the websocket
    (go (.log js/console (<! aws)))))

We always send strings over websockets. One interesting usecase (but potentially dangerous) is to send EDN over the websocket, for this case we just convert the EDN to and from a string.

(defn websocket-test []
  (let [url  "ws://localhost:7890"
        aws (async-websocket url) ;; initialize the websocket

    ;; write some EDN
    (go (>! aws (str {:count 1})))

    ;; read some EDN
       (str (= {:count 11} (read-string (<! aws))))))))

This would correspond to a request handler on the server that looks like:

(defn request-handler-edn-add10
  "This function will take some EDN and increment a value by 10, and send it back."
  (println "Received Data: " (str data))
  (let [req (edn/read-string data)
        resp (str {:count (+ 10 (:count req))})]
    (println "Sending Resp: " resp)

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