We only need to revisit some Today Show clips from 1994 to recall how alien computers and computer networks were just three decades ago. In 1991 a computer was a magical box of infinite possibility. A computer — a real computing machine — is by its very nature an abstract thing and thus has always been so much more than a better calculator or a fancier accounting ledger. And yet, paradoxically, that’s precisely how we use computers today. Computers coordinate the most mundane aspects of the global economy, send me a message when my library book is due, or record a family’s new home in the government’s Land Titles database. The sprawling mycelium of computing devices across the globe behave, in aggregate, much more like the robots of retrofuturism than any of us are likely to acknowledge. The robots take us shopping and help us with video calls to our aging parents. The robots are ubiquitous, invisible, and heart-breakingly banal.
Our prosaic robots exist at every layer. The robot is the L2 cache, Linux, and Google Maps. Is it little wonder that we, the techno-elite, construct some brittle metaphors as we climb from XOR gates and system buses to the abstractions that reach the fingertips of the humans? Along the way, we hold on to some outdated metaphors from earlier days of computing. EOT (End-of-Tape) markers show up less commonly in software these days but a modern programmer won’t blink an eye at an EOF (End-of-File) marker of the same lineage. As computers entered the mainstream, "directories" of files were given the thin coat of paint known as "folders", producing the increasingly-peculiar physical metaphor of putting your files inside of folders inside of folders inside of folders. The "filing cabinet" metaphor had a more timely death. My last memory of the filing cabinet is Windows for Workgroups.
Of course, we need not restrict ourselves to the tangible world of buttons, files, and folders. We programmers kick ourselves with broken metaphors all the time while programming the robot’s innards. Remember when we used "object-relational mapping" libraries to write objects to disk? Those were heady days, weren’t they? I still remember my first glimpse of the Rails ActiveRecord implementation. has_many :simply_darling_little_macros
was an epiphany back in 2004 for those of us stuck wiring the fields in our POJOs to database columns by hand like mid-century telephone operators hard-wiring networks of voices, one at a time. Yessir. ORM was a thing of beauty, compared to her contemporaries. Every day at 8:00 AM I would grab a steaming cup of loam-flavoured American drip coffee and sit back to enjoy the DHH Show — marveling at his juxtapositions: a quagmire of Spring XML against his elegant Ruby macros. But that’s not what I’m talking about.
The real question is: Why were we mapping anything at all? Why was anything required to save an object / record / document to disk beyond this?
Compare this ActiveRecord …
class Facility < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :facility_group
has_many :phone_number_authentications
has_many :users,
through: :phone_number_authentications
-> { distinct },
class_name: "User",
association_foreign_key: :user_id,
join_table: "officers"
has_many :encounters
has_many :blood_pressures,
through: :encounters,
source: :blood_pressures
has_many :blood_sugars,
through: :encounters,
source: :blood_sugars
has_many :patients,
-> { distinct },
through: :encounters
has_many :prescription_drugs
has_many :appointments
has_many :teleconsultations
has_many :drug_stocks
has_many :registered_patients
has_many :registered_diabetes_patients
has_many :registered_hypertension_patients
has_many :assigned_patients
has_many :assigned_hypertension_patients
Today, ActiveRecord is void. Mapping objects into databases is outmoded. The idea has a certain appeal, no doubt. I record (verb) my records (noun) to disk. When they are read back into memory via has_one :superfluous_abstraction
the virtual machine makes them active — singing, dancing, and procreating through the object lifecycle — until they are recorded back into Postgres. But this act of recording doesn’t necessitate mapping. Object mapping is a broken metaphor.
In fact, object mapping is a broken metaphor built on broken metaphors. We have a User
object in memory we want to save to disk. That’s all. Instead of a command equivalent to "computer, save the user" we are met with forty years' worth of anachronisms. We must worry about join tables, floating point value coercion, and whether or not our TIMESTAMP columns are automatic.
The mapping is a symptom; the anachronism is the disease. Our objects can and should maintain symmetry with the database unless we tell them otherwise. To do so, we must choose a new storage metaphor for the next forty years.