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Run locally with Docker

To use these steps you only need to have Docker installed, no JDK/JVM/Clojure etc. required!

Pull from Docker Hub and use a persistent volume

docker pull juxt/crux-standalone-webservice:latest
mkdir my-crux-data & docker run -p 8090:8080 -p 8091:8081 -v $(pwd)/my-crux-data:/usr/src/app/data -i -t juxt/crux-standalone-webservice:latest

Once the container is up and running you should see:

INFO example-standalone-webservice.main - started HTTP API on port: 8081
INFO example-standalone-webservice.main - started webserver on port: 8080

Use the API: http://localhost:8091

Or view the demo application: http://localhost:8090

Run locally using Leiningen

lein repl
example-standalone-webservice.main=> (def s (future
                                #_=>            (run-node
                                #_=>             crux-options
                                #_=>             (fn [_]
                                #_=>               (def crux)
                                #_=>               (Thread/sleep Long/MAX_VALUE)))))

Use the API: http://localhost:8081

Or view the demo application: http://localhost:8080

Browse the entire transaction log when running in Docker

curl -X GET http://localhost:8090/tx-log && echo

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