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Administrative tasks


Before using Keycloak you must create the necessary resources in the following order: firstly you create a realm that will holds your clients, roles, groups and then users (See the Keycloak concepts section). You can create all theses resources through the Keycloak administration console or keycloak-clojure brings you functions to do that easily that are detailed in the next sections.

Create a keycloak client

In every interaction with keycloak-clojure you must provide a keycloak client object that holds the server reference, password, etc. The keycloak client is created with:

(require '[keycloak.deployment :as deployment 
           :refer [keycloak-client client-conf]])

(def kc-client
  (-> (client-conf {:auth-server-url "http://localhost:8090/auth" 
                    :realm "master"
                    :client-id  "admin-cli"})
      (keycloak-client "admin" "secretadmin")))

Create a realm

(require '[keycloak.admin :as admin])
(admin/create-realm! kc-client "example-realm")

Create clients

(admin/create-client! kc-client "example-realm" "myfrontend")
(admin/create-client! kc-client "example-realm" "mybackend")

Create realm roles

(admin/create-role! kc-client "example-realm" "employee")
(admin/create-role! kc-client "example-realm" "manager")

Create users

(admin/create-user! kc-client "example-realm" "user1" "pwd1")

;; The keycloak.user namespace contains function with more exhaustive parameters like:
(require '[keycloak.user :as user])

(user/create-or-update-user! kc-client "example-realm" {:username "bcarter" :first-name "Bob" :last-name "Carter" :password "abcdefg" :email ""} ["employee" "manager"] nil)

Assign roles to user

(require '[keycloak.user :as user])

(user/add-realm-roles! kc-client "example-realm" "bcarter" ["manager"])

Create groups

(admin/create-group! kc-client "example-realm" "mygroup")
(admin/add-username-to-group-name! kc-client "example-realm" "mygroup" "bcarter")

Declarative creation of Keycloak objects

Keycloak-clojure offers a declarative way to create all the Keycloak resources instead of invoking all the imperative functions. The init! function to create all the resource sits in the namespace keycloak.starter.

The function expects the following top-level keys: :realm, :clients, :roles, :groups, :users.

Two additional keys provides a way to generate fake users, groups and roles: :generated-users-by-group-and-role and :username-creator-fn.

Realm declaration

{:name "electre"
 :themes {:internationalizationEnabled true
          :supportedLocales #{"en" "fr"}
          :defaultLocale "fr"
          :loginTheme "example-theme"
          :accountTheme "example-theme"
          :adminTheme nil
          :emailTheme "example-theme"}
 :login {:bruteForceProtected true
         :rememberMe true
         :resetPasswordAllowed true}
 :tokens {:ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe (Integer. (* 60 60 48)) ;2 days
          :ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe (Integer. (* 60 60 48))}
 :smtp {:host ""
        :port 587
        :from "" 
        :auth true
        :starttls true
        :replyTo "example"
        :user ""
        :password ""}}

Clients declaration

{:clients [{:name          "api-client"
            :public?       true
            :redirect-uris ["*"]
            :root-url      ""
            :base-url      ""
            :web-origins   [""]}
           {:name          "myfrontend"
            :public?       true
            :redirect-uris ["*"]
            :root-url      ""
            :base-url      ""
            :web-origins   [""]}
           {:name          "mybackend"
            :public?       false
            :redirect-uris ["http://localhost:3449/*"]
            :web-origins   ["http://localhost:3449"]}]}

Roles declaration

{:roles  #{"employee" "manager" "admin" "org-admin" "group-admin" "api-consumer"}}

Groups declaration

{:groups [{:name "group1" :subgroups ["subgroup1" "subgroup2"]}]}

Users declaration

{:users [{:username "bcarter" :password "password" :first-name "Bob" :last-name  "Carter"
         :realm-roles ["employee" "manager"] :group "group1" :in-subgroups ["subgroup2"] :attributes {"myorg" ["ACME"]}}]}

Whole data structure for resources declaration

(require '[keycloak.starter :as starter])
(starter/init! {:realm ...
                :clients ...
                :roles ... 
                :groups ... 
                :users ... 
                :generated-users-by-group-and-role 3
                :username-creator-fn (fn [role group subgroup i & opts] (str (str group) "-" (subs (str role) 0 3) "-" i))})

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