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(defkey the-sym arg-vec & more)

Define one or more keys as vars using argument vectors. Every argument vector must have one of the following arities: [key] [key options] [key validator description] [key validator description options] See make-key for details. First argument to defkey can optionally be a base option-map for all argument vectors. Examples: (defkey ip [:ip-address] port [:port #(< 1023 % 65535) "Server port" {:parser str->int :default 3000}]) (defkey {:lookup lookup-key} ip ["server.ip.address"] port ["server.port" #(< 1023 % 65535) "Server port" {:parser str->int :default 3000}]) See: make-key

Define one or more keys as vars using argument vectors. Every argument vector must have one of the following arities:
[key options]
[key validator description]
[key validator description options]
See `make-key` for details. First argument to `defkey` can optionally be a base option-map for all argument vectors.
  ip   [:ip-address]
  port [:port #(< 1023 % 65535) "Server port" {:parser str->int :default 3000}])
  {:lookup lookup-key}
  ip   ["server.ip.address"]
  port ["server.port" #(< 1023 % 65535) "Server port" {:parser str->int :default 3000}])
See: make-key
sourceraw docstring


Reader/writer for EDN files.

Reader/writer for EDN files.
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(letval bindings & body)

Like let, except in which the left hand side is a destructuring map, right hand side is the argument to key finder. Beside symbols, the destructuring map optionally supports :defs (symbols bound to key finders) and :as keys. Example: (letval [{:defs [foo bar] ; foo, bar are key finders baz baz-key ; baz-key is a key finder :as m} {:foo 10 :bar 20 :baz 30}] ;; foo, bar and baz are now bound to values looked up in the map ...)

Like let, except in which the left hand side is a destructuring map, right hand side is the argument to key finder.
Beside symbols, the destructuring map optionally supports :defs (symbols bound to key finders) and :as keys.
(letval [{:defs [foo bar] ; foo, bar are key finders
          baz baz-key     ; baz-key is a key finder
          :as m} {:foo 10 :bar 20 :baz 30}]
  ;; foo, bar and baz are now bound to values looked up in the map
sourceraw docstring


(lookup-key the-map

Look up a key in a map or something that implements clojure.lang.ILookup.

Look up a key in a map or something that implements clojure.lang.ILookup.
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(lookup-keypath the-map

Look up a key path in a map or something that implements clojure.lang.ILookup.

Look up a key path in a map or something that implements clojure.lang.ILookup.
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(make-key the-key
          {:keys [lookup parser default sysprop envvar source]
           :or {lookup lookup-key parser i/identity-parser}
           :as options})

Create a key that can be looked up in a java.util.Map/Properties or clojure.lang.ILookup (map, vector) instance. The following optional keys are supported: :lookup - The function to look the key up: (fn [the-map the-key validator description value-parser default-value? default-value (fn not-found-fn [not-found-message])]) default: ordinary key look up :parser - The value parser function (args: key, value) :default - Default value to return if key is not found :sysprop - System property name that can override the config value (before parsing) :envvar - Environment variable that can override the config value and system property (before parsing) :source - Source or container (of reference type, e.g. atom/promise etc.) of key/value pairs

Create a key that can be looked up in a java.util.Map/Properties or clojure.lang.ILookup (map, vector) instance. The
following optional keys are supported:
:lookup  - The function to look the key up:
           (fn [the-map the-key validator description value-parser default-value? default-value
                (fn not-found-fn [not-found-message])])
           default: ordinary key look up
:parser  - The value parser function (args: key, value)
:default - Default value to return if key is not found
:sysprop - System property name that can override the config value (before parsing)
:envvar  - Environment variable that can override the config value and system property (before parsing)
:source  - Source or container (of reference type, e.g. atom/promise etc.) of key/value pairs
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Reader/writer for properties files.

Reader/writer for properties files.
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(read-config config-filenames)
(read-config config-filenames
             {:keys [parent-key logger config-readers media-readers realize?]
              :or {parent-key "parent.filenames"
                   logger u/default-logger
                   config-readers [property-file-io edn-file-io]
                   realize? true}
              :as options})

Read config file(s) returning a java.util.Map instance. Options: :parent-key (string) key to identify the parent filenames having K/V pairs, default: "parent.filenames" :logger (object) instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to err :config-readers (list/vec) collection of keypin.ConfigIO instances, default: for Properties and EDN files :media-readers (list/vec) collection of keypin.MediaReader instances, default: for Filesystem and Classpath :realize? (boolean) whether realize the template variables in the string, default: true

Read config file(s) returning a java.util.Map instance.
:parent-key     (string)   key to identify the parent filenames having K/V pairs, default: "parent.filenames"
:logger         (object)   instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to *err*
:config-readers (list/vec) collection of keypin.ConfigIO instances, default: for Properties and EDN files
:media-readers  (list/vec) collection of keypin.MediaReader instances, default: for Filesystem and Classpath
:realize?       (boolean)  whether realize the template variables in the string, default: true
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(realize-config config)
(realize-config config
                {:keys [logger config-mapper]
                 :or {logger u/default-logger config-mapper Mapper/DEFAULT}
                 :as options})

Realize config by applying variable substitution, if any. Options: :logger (object) instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to err :config-mapper (object) instance of keypin.Mapper, default: keypin.Mapper/DEFAULT

Realize config by applying variable substitution, if any.
:logger        (object) instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to *err*
:config-mapper (object) instance of keypin.Mapper, default: keypin.Mapper/DEFAULT
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(write-config config-filename config)
(write-config config-filename
              {:keys [logger config-writers escape?]
               :or {logger u/default-logger
                    config-writers [property-file-io edn-file-io]
                    escape? true}
               :as options})

Write config to a specified file. Options: :logger (object) instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to err :config-writers (list/vec) collection of keypin.ConfigIO instances, default: for Properties and EDN files :escape? (boolean) whether escape values when writing, default: true

Write config to a specified file.
:logger         (object)   instance of keypin.Logger, defaults to printing to *err*
:config-writers (list/vec) collection of keypin.ConfigIO instances, default: for Properties and EDN files
:escape?        (boolean)  whether escape values when writing, default: true
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