Key lookup on steroids in Clojure.
Simplify code by consolidating application configuration concerns!
Config access code is tightly coupled to config. Why let this tight coupling spread all over the code base? Collect config concerns in one place, without repeating yourself, so that the rest of the code remains cleaner.
and .properties
- foo
is looked up, followed by bar
, then baz
Clojars coordinates: [keypin "0.8.3-beta1"]
Requires Java 7 or higher, Clojure 1.7 or higher.
(require '[keypin.core :refer [defkey letval] :as k])
(require '[keypin.util :as u])
;; key with constraints
ip [:ip]
port [:port #(< 1023 % 65535) "Port number" {:parser u/str->int}])
;; lookup
(ip {:ip "" :port "5000"}) ; returns ""
(port {:ip "" :port "5000"}) ; returns 5000
(port {:ip ""}) ; throws IllegalArgumentException
;; key with default value
ip [:ip]
port-optional [:port #(< 1023 % 65535) "Port number" {:parser u/str->int :default 3000}])
;; lookup
(port-optional {:ip "" :port "5000"}) ; returns 5000
(port-optional {:ip ""}) ; returns 3000
;; lookup form
(letval [{:defs [ip port-optional] :as m} {:ip ""}]
[ip port-optional m]) ; returns ["" 3000 {:ip ""}]
Copyright © 2015-2021 Shantanu Kumar
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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