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0.5.5 (2022-04-22)

  • Add quantile and cdf support for the uniform and exponential distributions
  • Assert kixi.stats.distribution parameters are within the valid range
  • Update docstrings in kixi.stats.core to describe when a kixi.stats.protocol type is returned
  • Fix bug in tests whereby positive and negative infinity would test equal
  • Fix bug in significant? which returned an error when the number of tails was unspecified
  • Exclude abs and infinite? to prevent compilation warnings

0.5.4 (2020-07-12)

  • Test that quantile and cdf functions are inverses
  • Fix gamma-pinv issue causing inaccurate chi-square quantiles to sometimes be returned
  • Fix Student's t exception at extreme quantiles

0.5.3 (2020-07-05)

  • Add Cauchy, Log-normal and Pareto distributions

0.5.2 (2019-07-31)

  • Fix compilation error in kixi.stats.distribution

0.5.1 (2019-07-30)

  • BREAKING CHANGE All distributions now expect named rather than positional args
  • The normal distribution can now be paramaterised with :location & :scale to align more closely with other distributions
  • The categorical distribution now expects a map of {category-name => probability}, rather than separate category and probability vectors

0.5.0 (2019-01-05)

  • BREAKING CHANGE Protocol I prefix is replaced with P
  • BREAKING CHANGE kixi.stats.core/standard-error-estimate renamed to regression-standard-error
  • BREAKING CHANGE kixi.stats.core/standard-error-prediction renamed to regression-prediction-standard-error
  • BREAKING CHANGE Tests in the kixi.stats.test namespace, e.g. chi-squared-test, z-test & simple-t-test, as well as those which mirror them in the kixi.stats.core namespace, now return a TestResult. This can be passed to helper functions kixi.stats.test/p-value and kixi.stats.test/significant?
  • BREAKING CHANGE Tests in the kixi.stats.test namespace, e.g. chi-squared-test, z-test & simple-t-test, as well as those which mirror them in the kixi.stats.core namespace, no longer accept an optional :tails argument. Instead an equivalent argument is now provided to the helper functions in kixi.stats.test
  • New protocols: PInterval for bounded intervals, PDepdendent & PDependentWithSignificance for returning functions of x,PParameterised for returning learned parameters, and PTestResult for returning a hypothesis test result
  • Namespace kixi.stats.distribution now contains Student's t distribution
  • New namespace kixi.stats.estimate contains functions which accept sum-squares as an argument and return a learned regression model, the standard error and intervals for the estimate and prediction
  • Namespace kixi.stats.digest now also contains a sum-squares reducing function
  • Distributions now implement clojure.lang.Seqble instead of clojure.lang.ISeq. This means that printing a distribution no longer causes an infinite sequence of draws to be printed

0.4.4 (2018-12-06)

  • Baseline release

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