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A Clojure library designed to extend the well known clojure.core.async library with some extra macros.


Add the following to your project.clj's dependencies field.

[kotyo/async "0.1.0"]
  1. You have to require kotyo.async in a central file in your project. It will extend the clojure.core.async package with the extra macros.
  2. Now you can use clojure.core.async as before and extra macros are available in the same namespace as the async ones.

Extra macros


This macro extends the go macro. The first parameter is a vector of channels where it will put the first exception thrown in the body. If there is no exception the channels in the vector remain untouched.

It also puts the exception to the returned channel.

(require '[clojure.core.async :as a]

(def err-ch (a/chan))

(a/go-guard [err-ch]
  (throw (Exception. "Oh-no!")))
; It will put the exception to the err-ch and to the returned channel as well.

(a/<!! err-ch)
; #error { :cause "Oh-no!" ...

<?, <??

These reader macros are the same as the <!, <!! ones. Except these throw exceptions arrived on the channel.

(a/go-guard [err-ch]
  (throw (Exception. "Oh-no!")))

  (a/<?? err-ch) 
  (catch Throwable t 
    (println "Exception thrown:" t)))
; Exception thrown: ...

<?+, <??+

These are the same macros as the previous ones but with 2 extra optional parameters: timeout-ms and timeout-value.

(a/<??+ err-ch 500 :no-errors-so-far)
; ~ After 500 ms ~:
; :no-errors-so-far


done by kotyo in 2018

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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