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A library to integrate pathom and pedestal


This library provide one main function, pathom-routes, which return a set of Pedestal routes, using the table syntax

(ns example.core
   [io.pedestal.http :as http]
   [io.pedestal.http.route :as route]
   [pathom.pedestal :refer [pathom-routes]]))

(def routes
  (route/expand-routes (pathom-routes {:pathom-viz? true :parser parser})))

(defn create-server []
   {::http/routes routes
    ::http/type   :jetty
    ::http/port   8890}))

(http/start (create-server))

See API docs for a list of valid options

For convenience, a helper function, make-parser, is also provided.


See the example directory. To run it:

clj -A:demo

Go to http://localhost:8890/pathom and try some query. E.g.: [{[:tv-show/id :bcs] [:tv-show/title]}]


For development, the demo can be used, but first is necessary to compile some dependencies:

make compile-viz  # Build web assets (with shadow-cljs)
clj -A:dev

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