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  • --version command line flag (only works when running from a JAR)
  • --help as alternative to --test-help, for environments where --help isn't shadowed


  • Make code base analysable by
  • Make sure links to correct

0.0-97 (2018-09-08 / 734df37)


  • kaocha.repl/run-tests / kaocha.repl/run-all-tests


  • Dynamically adding test directories to the classpath should be more robust now.


  • :kaocha.suite/ns-patterns, :kaocha.suite/source-paths and
  • :kaocha.suite/test-paths have been renamed to just use the :kaocha namespace.

b0a70dc267a (2018-07-29)


  • Capture output, this is enabled by default. Only output of failing tests is printed. This also introduced a new plugin hook, wrap-run, which allows you to decorate run-testables for doing things like adding bindings.
  • Reporters now always get the current testable in their clojure.test reporting event.
  • Added a progress bar reporter
  • Documentation reporter: show in the documentation output which tests fail.


  • The randomize plugin could cause an exception because the sort-by-random-number-generator wasn't stable (it violated the contract of a comparator). Instead assign each testable a sort key first, then sort by those. This does mean seeds from before this change will no longer produce the same result.
  • When specifying an invalid reporter var, error before trying to load tests.
  • Correctly count matcher-combinator mismatch failures when exiting early (Ctrl-C).


  • When running in watch mode, first re-run failed tests. Only when they pass do a full re-run.
  • When fail-fast is true, quit immediately when a load error is detected, instead of only failing when the namespace runs.
  • Suite names can now be specified on the CLI with keyword syntax, i.e. bin/kaocha :unit

7b79fad92d (2018-06-16)


  • The profiling plugin can now be configured on the command line and from tests.edn, with --[no-]profiling, --profiling-count, :kaocha.plugin.profiling/profiling?, :kaocha.plugin.profiling/count


  • --focus and --focus-meta override config-level :focus/:focus-meta, rather than append. This is more intuitive, when focusing from the command line you don't want extra tests to show up.
  • Don't run the post-summary hook when using the API, this prevents noise from plugins in the --print-test-plan / --print-result output.


  • Don't count filtered tests in profiling results.

8eeff5b340 (2018-06-13)


  • Testable now has an optional :kaocha.var/wrap key, which can contain a seq of functions that will be used to "wrap" the actual test function, useful e.g. for providing bindings. clojure.test style :each fixtures are also handled through this key, so plugins can choose to add wrapping functions at the start or the end of this seq to wrap "inside" or "around" the fixtures.

9a920204bc (2018-06-13)


  • Make the test-plan available in pre-test and post-test plugin hooks, so that they have access to top level configuration items.

3319ed6f81 (2018-06-13)


  • Added the kaocha.plugin/defplugin macro, making plugins look more like a deftype.

9a6fa32592 (2018-06-02)


  • The configuration format has changed, you should now start with the #kaocha {} tagged reader literal in tests.edn to provide defaults. If you want more control then overwrite tests.edn with the output of --print-config and tweak.

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