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9. Extending

Kaocha is designed to be extensible and customizable, so that it can adapt to the needs of different projects, and so that it can act as a common base layer upon which innovative or advanced testing features can be delivered.


The key to understanding Kaocha is understanding the three steps that Kaocha goes through to perform a test run, and the three associated data structures.

Run structure

A Kaocha test run consists of three part

  • Configure
  • Load
  • Run

In the configure step the configuration file is loaded, normalized, and any command line options merged in. Plugins are loaded at this staged, and given a chance to update the configuration. The result is a Kaocha configuration (spec: :kaocha/config)

After this each test suite loads. This means loading the test namespaces and finding out which tests are in them. The loading specifics are delegated to the test suite type. After the load step the Kaocha configuration has transformed into a test plan (spec: :kaocha/test-plan), containing a nested collection of "testables", providing a detailed overview of which tests will be run.

Finally the test-plan gets run, which means recursively executing the collection of testables. Each testable gets updated with information about the test run: whether it failed/passed/errored, captured output or exceptions, etc. After this step the test-plan has transformed into a test result. (spec: :kaocha/result)

It's a good idea to keep the specs handy as a reference.


A testable is a map containing the testable's type, id, type specific information, and nested testables.

There are three versions of testables. In the configuration there are only top-level testables, also called test suites, stored under :kaocha/tests.

{:kaocha/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test
                 :kaocha.testable/id :unit
                 :kaocha/source-paths ["src"]
                 :kaocha/test-paths ["test"]}]}

Loading these tests is done with the kaocha.testable/-load multimethod, which dispatches on the testable type.

After the load step these have become test-plan testables, with lots of extra info, including nested test-plan testables.

{:kaocha.test-plan/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test
                           :kaocha.testable/id :unit
                           :kaocha/source-paths ["src"]
                           :kaocha/test-paths ["test"]
                           :kaocha.testable/meta {}
                           :kaocha.test-plan/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/ns
                                                     :kaocha.testable/id :kaocha.runner-test
                                                     :kaocha.test-plan/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.testable/var
                                                                               :kaocha.testable/id :kaocha.runner-test/main-test

Running these tests is again type specific: Each type has an implementation of kaocha.testable/-run, which recursively calls kaocha.testable/run-tests, which collects the results into the test result data structure.

{:kaocha.result/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test
                        :kaocha.testable/id :unit
                        :kaocha/source-paths ["src"]
                        :kaocha/test-paths ["test"]
                        :kaocha.testable/meta {}
                        :kaocha.result/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/ns
                                               :kaocha.testable/id :kaocha.runner-test
                                               :kaocha.result/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.testable/var
                                                                      :kaocha.testable/id :kaocha.runner-test/main-test
                                                                      :kaocha.result/count 1
                                                                      :kaocha.result/pass 1
                                                                      :kaocha.result/fail 0
                                                                      :kaocha.result/error 0

Extension types


A plugin consists of functions that get run when certain "hooks" within Kaocha fire, bundled in a map from keyword to function.

To write a Kaocha plugin you implement the kaocha.plugin/-register multimethod. This allows the plugin to add itself to the "plugin chain", a vector of plugin maps.

(ns my.kaocha.plugin
  (:require [kaocha.plugin :as p]))

(defmethod p/-register :my.kaocha/plugin [_name plugins]
  (conj plugins
         (fn [config]
           (assoc config ::setting :foo))

         (fn [test-plan]
           (println "run is starting!")

Plugin names must be namespaced keywords. If your plugin is called then it must be implemented in the namespace or This will allow Kaocha to automatically load the plugin before calling it.

To take the boilerplate out of writing plugins you are encouraged to use the defplugin macro.

These are all the hooks a plugin can implement. Note that each must return its first argument (possibly updated).

The hooks chapter has more information about most of these hooks.

(ns my.kaocha.plugin
  (:require [kaocha.plugin :as p]))

(p/defplugin my.kaocha/plugin
  ;; Install extra CLI options and flags.
  (cli-options [opts]
    (conj opts [nil "--my-plugin-option" "Does something plugin specific."]))

  ;; Alter the configuration. Useful for setting default values and processing cli-options.
  (config [config]
    (if (:my-plugin-option (:kaocha/cli-options config))
      (assoc config ::some-flag true)

  ;; Runs before the load step
  (pre-load [config]

  ;; Runs after the load step
  (post-load [test-plan]

  ;; Runs before the run step
  (pre-run [test-plan]

  ;; Runs before each individual test gets loaded, gets passed the testable
  (pre-load-test [testable config]

  ;; Runs after each individual test has been loaded, gets passed the testable
  (post-load-test [testable config]

  ;; Runs before each individual test
  (pre-test [test test-plan]

  ;; Runs after each individual test
  (post-test [test test-plan]

  ;; Runs after the run step
  (post-run [result]

  ;; Allows "wrapping" the run function
  (wrap-run [run test-plan]

  ;; Runs before the reporter
  (pre-report [event]

  ;; Runs right before kaocha.runner calls kaocha.api/run. This is for plugins
  ;; that optionally do something else besides running tests, like printing
  ;; informational messages and then exiting. For this throw+ a
  ;; {:kaocha/early-exit}.
  (main [config]
    (if (:do-other-thing (:kaocha/cli-options config))
        (... do other thing ...)
        (throw+ {:kaocha/early-exit 0}))

  ;; Gets called after the run is finished and the summary has been printed/reported.
  ;; Gets passed the test result map (test plan with results).
  (post-summary [test-result]

Tips for developing plugins

Start with the boilerplate, i.e., a namespace and empty defplugin declaration:

(ns my.kaocha.plugin
  (:require [kaocha.plugin :refer [defplugin]]))

(defplugin my.kaocha/plugin

From there you could already add it to tests.edn and e.g. start in --watch and start iterating, but that's a pretty coarse workflow. For more fine-grained work you can use kaocha.repl, in particular kaocha.repl/config and kaocha.repl/test-plan (we should probably also add a kaocha.repl/result so you can inspect the final result data).

So say you have a pre-load hook, and your plugin is enabled in tests.edn, then you can call (kaocha.repl/test-plan) and see the effects of your plugin.

defplugin will actually define several vars, plus the final defmethod which registers the plugin. So you can test your hooks in isolation.

(defplugin my.kaocha/plugin
  (cli-options [opts] opts)
  (config [config] config)
  (pre-load [config] config))

;; This defines
(defn plugin-cli-options-hook [opts] opts)
(defn plugin-config-hook [config] config)
(defn plugin-pre-load-hook [config] config)

(def plugin-hooks
  {:kaocha.plugin/id :my.kaocha/plugin
   :kaocha.plugin/description "Docstring"
   :kaocha.hooks/cli-options plugin-cli-options-hook
   :kaocha.hooks/config plugin-config-hook
   :kaocha.hooks/pre-load plugin-pre-load-hook})

(defmethod kaocha.plugin/-register :my.kaocha/plugin [chain]
  (conj chain plugin-hooks))

So this is great for unit tests (test the hooks directly), and should be helpful when developing from the REPL as well.

(my.kaocha.plugin/plugin-config-hook (kaocha.repl/config))
;; => ???

You may wonder why all this boilerplate, e.g., why does the -register method have to call conj, on the plugin chain, instead of just returning the map with hooks? The reason is this allows for plugins to do more complex things, like injecting multiple plugins at once, adding a plugin before or after an other one, or wrapping functions of other plugins.

Now of course the question is: which hooks to use and what to do with them. Generally your hooks will fall into two categories, either you're just using a hook to cause some side effect at a certain point in the execution, or you're manipulating Kaocha's data structures to change its behavior.

Kaocha is very data driven, so the idea is that e.g., by changing the config or test-plan you can change its behavior. For instance you can implement special test filtering with a pre-test hook that does (assoc testable :kaocha.testable/skip true) when a certain condition is met. Here you'll have to poke around the source a bit, look for the place where you would normally hack in your change, and then hope that there's a hook there and affordances to cause the right behavior.

Finally, a general tip/best practice: if your plugin is in any way configurable, then it should use the cli-options and config hooks, in such a way that options specified on the CLI override those set in the config. The cli-options hooks defines your command line flags, then in the config hooks you can inspect :kaocha/cli-options in the config to find the flags used, and use them to update the config, or provide a default. Any following hooks then look at the config for the necessary settings (and so not directly at :kaocha/cli-options). You can look at the built-in plugins, most of them use this pattern.

This is important because this way when a user uses --print-config they see those default values added by plugins, which they can copy to tests.edn and tweak. (you should use namespaced keywords based on the name of your plugin.)

You should also check out kaocha.test-util/with-test-ctx, this is useful to isolate unit tests from Kaocha itself.

Test types

Kaocha is designed to be a universal tool, able to run any type of test suite your project chooses to use. To make this possible it provides a way to implement custom test suite types.

In the test configuration every suite has a type.

{:kaocha/tests [{:kaocha.testable/type :kaocha.type/clojure.test
                 :kaocha.testable/id   :unit}]}

When Kaocha encounters this test suite it will first try to load the type, by requiring either the kaocha.type or kaocha.type.clojure.test namespace.

It will then validate the suite configuration using the :kaocha.type/clojure.test spec, so a custom test suite implementation must register a Clojure spec with the same name as the suite type.

Finally a test suite implements two multimethods, one that handles Kaocha's load stage, and one that handles the run stage.

Here's a skeleton example of a test suite:

(ns kaocha.type.clojure.test
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            [kaocha.testable :as testable]
            [kaocha.load :as load]
            [clojure.test :as t]))

(defmethod testable/-load :kaocha.type/clojure.test [testable]
  (assoc :kaocha.testable test-plan/tests (load-tests ...)))

(defmethod testable/-run :kaocha.type/clojure.test [testable test-plan]
  (t/do-report {:type :begin-test-suite})
  (let [results (testable/run-testables (:kaocha.test-plan/tests testable) test-plan)
        testable (-> testable
                     (dissoc :kaocha.test-plan/tests)
                     (assoc :kaocha.result/tests results))]
    (t/do-report {:type :end-test-suite
                  :kaocha/testable testable})

(s/def :kaocha.type/clojure.test (s/keys :req [:kaocha/source-paths

(hierarchy/derive! :kaocha.type/clojure.test :kaocha.testable.type/suite)

Tips for developing test types

Start by thinking about the hierarchy of your test types. You typically have a top level "test suite" type, an intermediate "group" type, and the actual individual tests, called the "leaf" type. You can think of suite/group/leaf corresponding to directory/file/test, although it doesn't have to be that way.

For instance for clojure.test one or more directories for a suite, this suite consists of namespaces, and each namespace contains test vars, so the hierarchy is :kaocha.type/clojure.test > :kaocha.type/ns > :kaocha.type/var.

For Cucumber tests the hierarchy is :kaocha.type/cucumber > :kaocha.cucumber-feature > :kaocha.type/cucumber-scenario.

You could have more or fewer levels. The top one is always known as the suite, the bottom one as the leaf, the intermediate ones as groups.

For each test type you implement kaocha.testable/-run, and for the suite and groups you implement kaocha.testable/-load. Then you use kaocha.testable/load-testables / kaocha.testable/run-testables to perform the recursion.

Use kaocha.hierarchy/derive! to mark your test types as suite/group/leaf.

(hierarchy/derive! :kaocha.type/clojure.test :kaocha.testable.type/suite)
(hierarchy/derive! :kaocha.type/ns :kaocha.testable.type/group)
(hierarchy/derive! :kaocha.type/var :kaocha.testable.type/leaf)

When implementing -load your job is to transform a configuration testable into a test-plan testable, so you should dissoc :kaocha/tests and assoc :kaocha.test-plan/tests.

-load is responsible for adding the test directories to the classpath (if this applies for your test type). The helpers in kaocha.load will come in handy for this.

If an error occurs while loading files then signal that by adding the :kaocha.testable/load-error to the testable, with as value the caught exception. You'll deal with signaling the error to the user during the -run step.

The -run implementation generally starts by calling clojure.test/do-report with a "begin" event, then it runs either the contained :kaocha.test-plan/tests (for a suite/group), or runs the actual test, and then calls clojure.test/do-report agin with an :end event.

The return value from -run is a :kaocha.result/testable, which is like a :kaocha.test-plan/testable, but has (for a suite/group test) :kaocha.result/tests rather than :kaocha.test-plan/tests, or has (for a leaf test) result stats (count, error, fail, pass, pending) added.

To gather result stats you can use kaocha.type/with-report-counters / kaocha.type/report-count.

The -run method for a leaf test should also take care of wrapping the core test logic in any wrapping functions provided by :kaocha.testable/wrap on the testable. This is important for output capturing to work correctly.

You should check that when your test fails, you get the right file and line number in the output. Kaocha tries to detect this from the stacktrace, but that doesn't always work. (see the kaocha.monkey-patch namespace). Alternatively bind kaocha.testable/*test-location* to a map with :file and :line.

Before invoking the actual test logic, check for :kaocha.testable/load-error, and if it's there then signal a test error and finish. You can do this with the kaocha.testable/handle-load-error helper.

During the recursive invocations of -run clojure.test-style events are emitted by calling clojure.test/do-report. Rather than reusing pre-existing generic event types you should come up with event types that are specific to your test type, then use kaocha.hierarchy/derive! to attach semantics to them.

This is an example of event types, and the keywords they derive from:

:foo-test/begin-suite   :kaocha/begin-suite
:foo-test/begin-ns      :kaocha/begin-group

:foo-test/begin-test    :kaocha/begin-test
:foo-test/assert-failed :kaocha/fail-type
:foo-test/precondition-failed :kaocha/fail-type
:foo-test/end-test      :kaocha/end-test

:foo-test/begin-test    :kaocha/begin-test
:pass                   :kaocha/known-key
:foo-test/end-test      :kaocha/end-test

:foo-test/end-ns        :kaocha/end-group
:foo-test/end-suite     :kaocha/end-suite

Some notable parent types to inherit from:

  • :kaocha/known-key all events we emit should eventually inherit from known-key. Any event we receive that is not a known-key will be propagated to the original clojure.test/report multimethod, for compatibility with assertion libraries that emit their own custom events and extend the multimethod to handle them.

  • :kaocha/fail-type anything that fails the test should inherit from fail-type. Reporters that don't know about specific failure types can still use this to do some reporting of failures, print captured output, etc.

  • :kaocha/deferred events that inherit from deferred are saved up during the test run, and will be sent to clojure.test/report during the summary step. This is how we make sure that the details of test failures are only printed all the way at the end during the :summary step, rather than immediately as they happen.

In general we try to use properly namespaced event types, but because Kaocha is built on top of clojure.test (for better or for worse), we still use some of the non-namespaced names used by clojure.test like :pass, :fail, :error. The main reason is to keep (some) compatibility with reporters written for clojure.test that are not Kaocha-aware. However there's no really good way to do this, either we limit ourselves to the scope of clojure.test's reporting (which we don't want to do), or we go for a more semantically rich set of events, but cause pre-existing reporters to misbehave.

We are well on the path to the latter, and so we will likely drop more of these non-namespaced ones in favor of kaocha-specific ones, and drop support for legacy reporters alltogether.


Reporters generate the test runners output. They are in their nature side-effectful, printing to stdout in response to events.

Before creating your own reporters, consider whether the same thing could be accomplished with plugins. They provide a more functional and composable interface, and should be preferred.

A reporter is a function which takes a single map as argument, with the map having a :type key. Kaocha uses the same types as clojure.test, but adds :begin-test-suite and :end-test-suite.

Kaocha contains fine-grained reporters, which you can combine, or mix with your own to get the desired output. A reporter can be either a function, or a sequence of reporters, which will all be called in turn. For instance, the default Kaocha reporter is defined as such:


(def dots
  "Reporter that prints progress as a sequence of dots and letters."
  [dots* result])

The result reporter is a special one included in all default reporters that takes care of the final results.

Reporters intended for use with clojure.test will typically call clojure.test/inc-report-counters to keep track of stats. Reporters intended for use with Kaocha should not do this. Kaocha will always inject the reporter which takes care of that.

Built-in reporters include:

  • prints progress as a sequence of dots and letters.
  • prints an overview of all tests bein run using indentation.
  • shows a progress bar.

Handling custom assertions

A common use case for extending or replacing reporters is to support custom assertion functions that emit their own :type of clojure.test events.

(clojure.test/do-report {:type ::my-assertion, :message ..., :expected ..., :actual ...})

For this use case you might not have to implement a custom reporter at all.

First make Kaocha aware of your new event type. This will prevent it from being foward to the original clojure.test/report, which by default just prints the map to stdout.

(kaocha.hierarchy/derive! ::my-assertion :kaocha/known-key)

If your event would cause a test to fail, then also mark it as a :kaocha/fail-type

(kaocha.hierarchy/derive! ::my-assertion :kaocha/fail-type)

This way Kaocha's built-in reporters will know that this event indicates a failure, and correctly report it in the test results. It will also cause a default failure message to be rendered based on the :message, :expected, and :actual keys.

If you want to provide custom output then add an implementation of the multimethod.

(defmulti ::my-assertion [m]
  (println ...)

For a full example, have a look at Kaocha's built-in matcher combinator support.

Overriding the default result output

if you want results to be reported differently, you can also customize the default output at several levels:

  • Replace result with your own for full control over the final results.
  • you just want to customize the output of failures, override fail-summary, which result uses.
  • If you want to just customize the part of the failure message that shows both the expected and actual, override print-expr, which fail-summary in turn uses.

Here's a typical failing message and the method responsible for each part: Screen shot of failing results. The entire bottom third, which includes a description of a failure, the expected and actual, and the counts of the total number of tests, the number of assertions, and the failures  is outlined in blue and labeled 'result'. The specifics about the first failing test, including the expected and actual is also outlined in blue and labeed 'fail-summary'. Finally, the expected and actual values are outlined in blue and labeled 'print-expr'.

We'll start with result. The main summary is implemented by the result method for :summary:

(defmethod result :summary [m]
   (println ...)

Create a similar method in your project and then combine it with the desired default reporter in your tests.edn:

 :kaocha/reporter                    [*]

Note that you don't want to use reporter here, as that will use the default fail-summary and you'll end up with both your summary and the default one.

If you like the general output of result but just want the failures to look differenty, you can merely override fail-summary with your own implementation:

(defmethod fail-summary :kaocha/fail-type [{:keys [testing-contexts testing-vars] :as m}]
  (println ...)

Finally, you can also override the default print-expression if all you want is to override the part of fail-summary that prints the expected and actual expressions.

For example, this alternate implementation shows the expected and actual input without using deepdiff:

(defmethod '= [m]
  (println "expected:" (pr-str (:expected m)))
  (println "  actual:" (pr-str (:actual m))))

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