Java 21 Virtual Thread Utilities
Provide a more "clojure-y" syntax over Java 21's Virtual Thread Executor.
With "future-like" api:
(ns example.core
[virtual.core :refer [virtual virtual-let]]))
(defn -main [& _args]
; Will execute operation on a virtual thread.
; Result of the function is available via deref, given the underlying
; threading model returns a Future<T>.
(-> @(virtual (slurp (io/file "some-file.edn"))) ; should "park" on io
(-> @(virtual-let [fname "config.edn"] (io/resource fname))
Monkey patching clojure.core.async
to use virtual threads as the
thread executor:
(ns example.core
[clojure.core.async :refer [go chan <!! <! >! take]]
[virtual.async :refef [use-virtual-thread-executor!]]))
; Should be called, given this has a side effect of modifying the clojure.core.async
; thread pool executor.
(def messages (chan))
(def processed (chan))
(def message-processor
(go-loop []
(let [value (<! messages)
group-name (.getName (.getThreadGroup (Thread/currentThread)))]
(>! processed (into value {:processor-thread-group grou-name})))
(defn -main [& _args]
(dotimes [i 10]
(put! messages {:from i :to (dec i), :message "hello!"}))
(println (<!! (take 10 processed))))
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