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Grape - Graph Rewriting and Persistence Engine

Persistent Graph Rewriting for Clojure.


  • Release 0.2.6 - Implemented optional nodes/edges

  • Release 0.2.4 - Edge attributes are now supported; homomorphic pattern matching is now default

  • Release 0.2.3 - Path expressions added

  • Release 0.2 - Syntax simplification. Removed the need for a lot of curly braces in Grape rules. Also, node and edge handles are optional now. Makes rules simpler.

  • Release 0.1.1 - added mechanism to "pass on" nodes from one rule to another


Below is a description of two alternative ways to install Grape. The "Quickstart" way uses a prepared VM (with much of the installation work already done for you), while the "Slowstart" way describes a local installation.

Quickstart - using a Vagrant VM image

Grape can be installed using a prepared Vagrant VM. This assumes that you have Vagrant installed.

  • Download and initialize the VM with vagrant init jenshweber/grape
  • Edit the Vagrantfile that was created by adding these port forwards: (feel free to forward to a different port if these ports collide with existing ones) "forwarded_port", guest: 7687, host: 7687 "forwarded_port", guest: 7474, host: 7474 "forwarded_port", guest: 8080, host: 8080

You may also want to allocate some additional resources:

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.memory = "4096"
    vb.cpus = "3"
  • Download and start the VM: vagrant up. (This will take some time to download the VM on the first call.)

  • Open a shell at the VM vagrant ssh

  • Then cd grapetest and start a Grape REPL with lein gorilla :ip :port 8080

  • Now just navigate to

  • You can get the Neo4J browser at http://localhost:7474 (username neo4j, password grape)

Slowstart - using a local installation


  • Clojure (including Leiningen, requires JDK). Eric Normand has written very nice instructions here

  • Neo4J Grape requires the graph database Neo4j. (Important: Grape has not been migrated to Neo4J v. 4 yet. Please use the latest v. 3 release.) The community edition (free) can be downloaded here:

  • add the following line to your neo4j.conf:

  • Graphviz Grape uses Graphviz for visualization. installation

Create a Grape project

  • Create Clojure project For example with Leiningen lein new grapetest
  • Add profiles.clj Create a new file profiles.clj to contain your neo4j connection info:
{:dev {
       :env {:db-url "http://localhost:7474/db/data/"
             :db-usr "<your neo4j user name>"
             :db-pw "<your neo4j password>"}}}
  • Edit project.clj Add the grape dependency to your project.clj. Add the lein-environ plugin, so that Leiningen can source environment variables from your profiles.clj file. If you want to use the browser-based REPL (Gorilla) for developing your graph transformation rules (recommended) also add the lein-gorilla plugin. Your project.clj file will look similar to:
(defproject grapetest "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
                 [leadlab/grape "X.X.X"]]
  :plugins [[lein-environ "1.1.0"]
            [org.clojars.benfb/lein-gorilla "0.6.0"]]
  :profiles {:dev {}}
  :repl-options {:init-ns grapetest.core})
  • Start it up Make sure the Neo4j database is running. Start a Gorilla REPL with lein gorilla. Open the indicated work sheet. Enter (use 'grape.core) to import the Grape and connect to Neo4J. (This may take a few seconds. If you are getting an exception, your database is not running or something is wrong with the connection details.)

  • Load grape enter (use 'grape.core) in the Web repl to load Grape

  • Create a rule Enter the following to create a rule that creates a node labeled "Hello". (You should see a visualization of the rule after you entered it.)

(rule 'hello!
  :create (pattern
             (node 'n1 :label "Hello")))
  • Execute the rule by calling it: (hello!)

  • Use the Neo4J browser (http://localhost:7474/browser/) to see that a node was indeed created in the graph database. (enter a simple cipher query: match (n) return n;

  • Enter another rule that matches the existing "Hello" node and links it to a newly created "Grape" node.

(rule 'hello-grape!
   :read (pattern
           (node 'n1 :label "Hello"))
   :create (pattern
             (node 'n2 :label "Grape")
             (edge :label "to" :src 'n1 :tar 'n2)))
  • Execute that rule (hello-grape!) and check with (-> any? matches view) that the graph was indeed extended.


Grape comes with an "executable" tutorial worksheet for Gorilla REPL. (Load tutorial.clj into Gorilla REPL.)

A view-only version of that worksheet is available here:

Copyright © 2016-20 Jens Weber

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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