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The default config function. It searches for config.json, config.edn and config.clj on the classpath (in that order) and returns a fuction with the signature of (fn [& ks] ...)

To retrieve a config value in the following configuration...

{:name "bob" :address {:street "42 Main St." :city "..." ...}} would call (config :address :street) to retrieve "42 Main St."

The default config function.  It searches for config.json,
 config.edn and config.clj on the classpath (in that order)
 and returns a fuction with the signature of (fn [& ks] ...)

To retrieve a config value in the following configuration...

{:name "bob"
 :address {:street "42 Main St." :city "..." ...}} would call (config :address :street) to retrieve "42 Main St."
sourceraw docstring


(config* m ks)

Looks up the keys in the maps. If not found, log and return nil.

Looks up the keys in the maps.  If not found, log and return nil.
sourceraw docstring


(configurer resources)
(configurer resources middleware)

Given a the list of resources in the format expected by get-configs, return a function that can be used to search the configuration files in the following manner.

Additionally, configurer can take a seq of config middleware. Each middleware function is called with a single function as an input and should return a function that takes the config map as an input. See cache-config or eval-config for example middleware. Middleware is applied in the order in which it is defined in the map. If you do not provide any middleware, then the default middlware will be used.

Given a the list of resources in the format expected by get-configs,
return a function that can be used to search the configuration files
in the following manner.

Additionally, configurer can take a seq of config middleware.  Each
middleware function is called with a single function as an input and
should return a function that takes the config map as an input.  See
cache-config or eval-config for example middleware.  Middleware is
applied in the order in which it is defined in the map.  If you do
not provide any middleware, then the default middlware will be used.
sourceraw docstring


The default list of middleware carica uses.

The default list of middleware carica uses.
sourceraw docstring




(get-configs resources)

Takes a data structure of config resources (URLs) in priority order and merges them together. The resources can be a simple list where first-in wins. Additionally the structure may contain maps where the key becomes the effective namespace of the resources in the value.

Each node is handled by type:

  • resources (URL): load the config
  • collections (except for maps): merge the members
  • all others, return as is

E.g., the following: [#<URL file:/some/path1> {:ns1 [#<URL file:/some/path2> #<URL file:/some/path3>]}]

would become: {<keys and values from /some/path> :ns1 {<the merged keys and value from path2 and path3>}}

Takes a data structure of config resources (URLs) in priority order and
merges them together.  The resources can be a simple list where first-in wins.
Additionally the structure may contain maps where the key becomes the
effective namespace of the resources in the value.

Each node is handled by type:
- resources (URL): load the config
- collections (except for maps): merge the members
- all others, return as is

E.g., the following:
[#<URL file:/some/path1>
 {:ns1 [#<URL file:/some/path2> #<URL file:/some/path3>]}]

would become:
{<keys and values from /some/path>
 :ns1 {<the merged keys and value from path2 and path3>}}
sourceraw docstring


Determine if cheshire is loaded and json parsing is available.

Determine if cheshire is loaded and json parsing is available.
sourceraw docstring


(json-parse-stream & args)

Resolve and apply cheshire's json parsing dynamically.

Resolve and apply cheshire's json parsing dynamically.
sourceraw docstring


Load and read the config into a map of Clojure maps. Dispatches based on the file extension.

Load and read the config into a map of Clojure maps.  Dispatches
based on the file extension.
sourceraw docstring


(load-with resource loader)


Useful for testing, override-config enables overriding config values. It takes a series of keys and a replacement value.

E.g., these are all equivalent: (with-redefs [config (override-config {:address {:street "42 Broadway"}}) (with-redefs [config (override-config :address {:street "42 Broadway"}) (with-redefs [config (override-config :address :street "42 Broadway")

It isn't possible to remove any values, though they can be replaced with nil. E.g., (with-redefs [config (override-config nil)])

Useful for testing, override-config enables overriding config
values.  It takes a series of keys and a replacement value.

E.g., these are all equivalent:
(with-redefs [config (override-config {:address {:street "42 Broadway"}})
(with-redefs [config (override-config :address {:street "42 Broadway"})
(with-redefs [config (override-config :address :street "42 Broadway")

It isn't possible to remove any values, though they can be replaced with nil.
(with-redefs [config (override-config nil)])
sourceraw docstring


(overrider cfg-fn)

Convenience macro to get the var for the passed config function and create the overrider function.

Convenience macro to get the var for the passed config function and
create the overrider function.
sourceraw docstring


(overrider* cfg-fn-var)

Creates a custom overrider function from the given config function var.

Creates a custom overrider function from the given config function
sourceraw docstring


(read-edn in)


(reduce-into-map overrides)

Turns the flat list of keys -> value into a tree of maps. E.g., [:foo :bar :baz 4] becomes {:foo {:bar {:baz 4}}}

Turns the flat list of keys -> value into a tree of maps.
E.g., [:foo :bar :baz 4] becomes {:foo {:bar {:baz 4}}}
sourceraw docstring


(resources path)

Search the classpath for resources matching the given path

Search the classpath for resources matching the given path
sourceraw docstring

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