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This is very use case specific plugin to suit my own needs, but I'd like to expand it to be a more general purpose AWS plugin; pull requests welcomed!

Right it it supposed uploading files to s3 via the s3-put subtask, running and terminating jobflow via the run-flow and terminate-job subtask respectively. It is based on the awesome amazonica library.

Job flows are defined and loaded from a file containing a clojure definition of a keyword identified to an amazonina run-job-flow map.

  {:name "my-job-flow"
  :log-uri "s3n://emr-logs/logs"
    {:instance-groups [
       {:instance-type "m1.large"
        :instance-role "MASTER"
        :instance-count 1
        :market "SPOT"
        :bid-price "0.10"}]}
  :steps [
    {:name "my-step"
       {:jar "s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/hadoop-jobs/bigml"
        :main-class "bigml.core"
        :args ["s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/data" "output"]}}]}

Since job flows are parsed as clojure, you can factor out common steps:

(let [enable-debugging
      {:name "Enable Debugging"
       {:jar "s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar"
        :args ["s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/state-pusher/0.1/fetch"]}}
      {:instance-type "m1.xlarge"
       :instance-role "MASTER"
       :instance-count 1}]
   {:name "Run job flow in stage"
    :log-uri "s3n://emr-logs/logs"
    {:hadoop-version "1.0.3"
     {:name "run-step-in-staging"
      {:jar "s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/hadoop-jobs/bigml"
       :main-class "bigml.core"
       :args ["s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/data" "staging"]}}]}
   {:name "Run job flow in prod"
    :log-uri "s3n://emr-logs/logs"
    {:hadoop-version "1.0.3"
     {:name "my-step"
      {:jar "s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/hadoop-jobs/bigml"
       :main-class "bigml.core"
       :args ["s3n://beee0534-ad04-4143-9894-8ddb0e4ebd31/data" "prod"]}}]}})

See the amazonica docs for more information.


You need to let the plugin know about your aws credentils:

:aws {:access-key "ACCESSKEY"
      :secret-key "SECRETKEY"
      :email "aws-login-email"}

Use this for user-level plugins:

Put [lein-aws "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile, or if you are on Leiningen 1.x do lein plugin install lein-aws 0.1.4-SNAPSHOT.

Use this for project-level plugins:

Put [lein-aws "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

$ lein help aws


Copyright © 2013 Soren Macbeth

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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