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Leiningen plugin for Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk.

This is an updated version of @weavejester's repo.


You will need an Amazon Web Services account, and know your account key and secret key.

You will also need to be signed up for Elastic Beanstalk.

Basic Configuration

To use lein-beanstalk, you'll need to add a few additional values to your project.clj file.

First, add lein-elastic-beanstalk as a plugin:

:plugins [[lein-elastic-beanstalk "0.2.8-SNAPSHOT"]]

or, if you're using a version of Leiningen prior to 1.7.0, add it to your :dev-dependencies:

:dev-dependencies [[lein-elastic-beanstalk "0.2.8-SNAPSHOT"]]

Then add a lein-beanstalk-credentials definition to your ~/.lein/init.clj file that contains your AWS credentials:

(def lein-beanstalk-credentials

Or, if you're using Leiningen 2, you can add the credentials to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file:

 {:aws {:access-key "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Finally, lein-beanstalk uses lein-ring for packaging your application, so all of lein-ring's configuration applies as well. At a minimum, you'll need to your project.clj a reference to your application's top-level handler, e.g.:

:ring {:handler hello-world.core/handler}

See the documentation for lein-ring for more about the options it provides.


You should now be able to deploy your application to the Amazon cloud using the following command:

$ lein beanstalk deploy development

Custom WAR

If you're so inclined, you can also deploy a custom WAR by passing the file to the deploy command.

$ lein beanstalk deploy development target/myproject.war


To get information about the application itself run

$ lein beanstalk info
Application Name : myapp
Description      : My Awesome Compojure App
Last 5 Versions  : 0.1.0-20110209030504
Created On       : Wed Feb 09 03:00:45 EST 2011
Updated On       : Wed Feb 09 03:00:45 EST 2011
Deployed Envs    : development (Ready)
                   staging (Ready)
                   production (Terminated)

and information about a particular environment execute

$ lein beanstalk info development
Environment Id   : e-lm32mpkr6t
Application Name : myapp
Environment Name : development
Description      : Default environment for the myapp application.
URL              :
LoadBalancer URL :
Status           : Ready
Health           : Green
Current Version  : 0.1.0-20110209030504
Solution Stack   : 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 6
Created On       : Tue Feb 08 08:01:44 EST 2011
Updated On       : Tue Feb 08 08:05:01 EST 2011


To shutdown an existing environment use the following command

$ lein beanstalk terminate development

This terminates the environment and all of its resources, i.e. the Auto Scaling group, LoadBalancer, etc.


To remove any unused versions from the S3 bucket run

$ lein beanstalk clean


AWS Credentials

The Amazon Web Services account key and secret key should be put into a lein-beanstalk-credentials definition in your ~/.lein/init.clj file:

(def lein-beanstalk-credentials

Keeping your credentials out of your project.clj file and out of your project in general helps ensure you don't accidentally commit your credentials to github et al.

However, If you want to deploy your application using beanstalk from an environment like Jenkins, where you don't have control over the user, you can export the credential to the environment from the build script, and inside your project.clj, do:

(defproject my-project "0.1.0"
    :description ...
    :aws {
        :access-key ~(System/getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
        :secret-key ~(System/getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY")})


Elastic Beanstalk environments can be defined in multiple ways in the project.clj file.

If no environments are specified, lein-beanstalk will create three default environments

  • development (with CNAME prefix myapp-development)
  • staging (with CNAME prefix myapp-staging)
  • production (with CNAME prefix myapp)

To override the default behavior, add an :aws key to your project.clj file, either with :environments mapped to a vector of envionment symbols:

:aws {:beanstalk {:environments [dev demo prod]

or to a vector of maps

:aws {:beanstalk {:environments [{:name "dev"}
                                 {:name "demo"}
                                 {:name "prod"}]

Given either of the above configurations, the following two environents will be created:

  • dev (with CNAME prefix myapp-dev)
  • demo (with CNAME prefix myapp-demo)
  • prod (with CNAME prefix myapp-prod)

The second option allows one to specify the CNAME prefix for each environment

:aws {:beanstalk {:environments [{:name "dev"
                                  :cname-prefix "myapp-development"}
                                 {:name "staging"
                                  :cname-prefix "myapp-demo"}
                                 {:name "prod"
                                  :cname-prefix "myapp"}]

By default the CNAME prefix is <project-name>-<environment>.


If you deploy multiple services to Elastic Beanstalk, you'll realize that environment names must be unique across all of your applications. Aliases allow you to refer to a standard name across your projects, while deploying to an environment named suing either the defaults or what is supplied for :name.

Below are the defaults.

:aws {:beanstalk {:environments [{:alias "development"
                                  :name "myproject-dev"}
                                 {:alias "staging"
                                  :name "myproject-staging"}
                                 {:alias "production"
                                  :name "myproject"}]

You may refer to either the alias or the name when running lein-beanstalk commands.

$ lein beanstalk deploy development
$ lein beanstalk deploy myproject-dev

Both of the above commands deploy to

Environment Variables

You can specify environment variables that will be added to the system properties of the running application, per beanstalk environment:

  [{:name "dev"
    :cname-prefix "myapp-dev"
    :env {"DATABASE_URL" "mysql://..."}}]}}

If the environment variable name is a keyword, it is upper-cased and underscores ("_") are substituted for dashes ("-"). e.g. :database-url becomes "DATABASE_URL".

Note that they will only be visible through System/getProperty and NOT System/getenv.

Choosing an alternate stack

The default stack chosen is 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7. You can customize the stack used:

:aws {:beanstalk {:stack-name "64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7"}}

The full list of available stacks that you are likely to use:

  • 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7
  • 64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7
  • 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 6
  • 64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 6

Configuring instance type, autoscaling, VPC, SSH, AMI, SSL

You can customize many other settings on a per beanstalk environment basis with an options key:

  [{:name "dev"
    :options {"aws:autoscaling:asg" {"MinSize" "1" "MaxSize" "1"}
              "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration" {"InstanceType" "m1.medium"
                                                     "EC2KeyName" "mykey"
                                                     "ImageId" "ami-cbab67a2"}}}]}}

S3 Buckets

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to store the versions of the application. By default lein-beanstalk uses lein-beanstalk.<project-name> as the S3 bucket name.

To use a custom bucket, specify it in the project.clj file:

:aws {:beanstalk {:s3-bucket "my-private-bucket"


You can specify the AWS region of to deploy the application to through your project.clj file:

:aws {:beanstalk {:region "eu-west-1"}}

The following regions are recognized:

  • us-east-1 (default)
  • ap-northeast-1
  • eu-west-1
  • us-west-1
  • us-west-2


Q: Why does my deployed web application still shows up as 'red' in the Elastic Beanstalk console?

A: Elastic Beanstalk sends a HTTP HEAD request to '/' to check if the application is running. Simply add the necessary handling to the application. e.g. for Compojure add

(HEAD "/" [] "")


This plugin was originally written by weavejester.

We've also incorporated some pull requests that we needed from contributors to that project:

We also welcome your contributions and will do our best to keep this repo updated.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
James Reeves, ck, James Van Dyke, Chas Emerick, Osbert Feng, franck cuny, Eric Schoonover, Anton Podviaznikov, & Paul Iannazzo
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