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RPM plugin

A Leiningen plugin to create an RPM from build output. At the moment it only works with Leiningen 2.


Add lein-rpm "0.0.5" to the plugins in project.clj and then add an :rpm key to the project. This example shows most of the options that are available.

(defproject example "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Create an RPM"
  :plugins [[lein-rpm "0.0.5"]]
  :rpm {:name "Name"
        :summary "RPM summary"
        :copyright "Andrew H Jones"
        :workarea "target"
        :requires ["trash-truck > 1.0"]
		:preinstall {:scriptfile ""}
        :mappings [{:directory "/usr/local/bin/landfill"
                    :filemode "440"
                    :username "dumper"
                    :groupname "dumpgroup"
                    ;; There are also postinstall, preremove and postremove
                    :sources {:source [{:location "target/classes"}
                                       {:location "src"}]
                              :softlinkSource [{:location "/usr/local/bin/"
                                                :destination ""}]}}]})

To create the RPM run lein rpm.


Copyright (C) 2012 Andrew Jones

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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