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A Leiningen plugin for packaging WAR archives, split out from lein-ring


To use Lein-Ring, add it as a plugin to your project.clj file or your global profile:

:plugins [[lein-uberwar "0.2.0"]]

Then add a new :uberwar key to your project.clj file that contains a map of configuration options. At minimum there must be a :handler key that references your Ring handler:

:uberwar {:handler hello-world.core/handler}


  • :init - A function to be called once before your handler starts. It should take no arguments. If you've compiled your Ring application into a war-file, this function will be called when your handler servlet is first initialized.

  • :destroy - A function called before your handler exits or is unloaded. It should take no arguments. If your Ring application has been compiled into a war-file, then this will be called when your hander servlet is destroyed.

  • :war-exclusions - A list of regular expressions for excluding files from the target war. Defaults to excluding hidden files.

  • :servlet-class - The servlet class name.

  • :servlet-name - The name of the servlet (in web.xml). Defaults to the handler name.

  • :url-pattern - The url pattern of the servlet mapping (in web.xml). Defaults to "/*".

  • :servlet-path-info? - If true, a :path-info key is added to the request map. Defaults to true.

  • :listener-class - Class used for servlet init/destroy functions. Called listener because underneath it uses a ServletContextListener.

  • :web-xml - web.xml file to use in place of auto-generated version (relative to project root).

  • :servlet-version - The version of the servlet spec that we claim to conform to. Attributes corresponding to this version will be added to the web-app element of the web.xml. If not specified, defaults to 2.5.

  • :name - The name of the file generated by lein ring uberwar.

Building the WAR

To build the WAR run the following command in the console:

lein uberwar


Copyright © 2015 Dmitri Sotnikov

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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