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Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone.

Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone.
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(ack-port project)


(client project attach)
(client project attach cfg)


(client-repl-port project configured-port)


(configured-repl-connection project opts)


(connect-string project opts)


(ensure-port s)


(init-ns {{:keys [init-ns]} :repl-options :keys [main]})


(is-uri? s)


(lookup-opt opt-key opts)


(nrepl-dependency? {:keys [dependencies]})


(opt-greeting-fn opts)


(opt-host opts)


(opt-port opts)


(opt-socket opts)


(opt-transport opts)


(options-for-reply project & {:keys [attach port scheme]})


(repl project)
(repl project subcommand & opts)

Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone.


<none> -> :start

:start [:host host] [:port port] This will launch an nREPL server and connect a client to it. If the :host key is given, LEIN_REPL_HOST is set, or :host is present under :repl-options, that host will be attached to, defaulting to localhost otherwise, which will block remote connections. If the :port key is given, LEIN_REPL_PORT is set, or :port is present under :repl-options in the project map, that port will be used for the server, otherwise it is chosen randomly. When starting outside of a project, the nREPL server will run internally to Leiningen. When run under trampoline, the client/server step is skipped entirely; use the :headless command to start a trampolined server.

:headless [[:host host] [:port port] | [:socket path]] This will launch an nREPL server and wait (as per :start), without connecting a client to it. If the :socket key is given, LEIN_REPL_SOCKET is set, or :socket is present under :repl-options in the project map, the server will listen on the filesystem socket specified by the path. Note that POSIX does not specify the effect (if any) of the socket file's permissions (and some systems have ignored them), so any access control should be arranged via parent directories. You may not specify both a socket and a host/port.

:connect [dest] Connects to an already running nREPL server. Dest can be:

  • host:port -- connects to the specified host and port;
  • port -- resolves host from the LEIN_REPL_HOST environment variable or :repl-options, in that order, and defaults to localhost. If no dest is given, resolves the host resolved as described above and the port from LEIN_REPL_PORT, :repl-options, or .nrepl-port in the project root, in that order. Providing an argument that begins with @ and points to a filename containing a connect string will read that file and use its contents, allowing sensitive credentials to be kept out of the process table and shell history.

:transport [transport] Start nREPL using the transport referenced here, instead of using the default bencode transport. Useful is you want to leverage a client that can't handle bencode. If no transport is given then it will be inferred by checking LEIN_REPL_TRANSPORT, :repl-options, or .nrepl.edn (global one or in the project root), in that order.

:greeting-fn [greeting-fn] Function used to generate the greeting message in the REPL after the nREPL server has started. Useful for "dumb" transports like TTY, or when you want to send some custom message to clients on connect. If no greeting-fn is given then it will be inferred by checking LEIN_REPL_GREETING_FN, :repl-options, or .nrepl.edn (global one or in the project root), in that order.

For connecting to HTTPS repl servers add [nrepl/drawbridge "0.2.1"] to your :plugins list.

Note: the :repl profile is implicitly activated for this task. It cannot be deactivated, but it can be overridden.

Start a repl session either with the current project or standalone.


<none> -> :start

:start [:host host] [:port port]
  This will launch an nREPL server and connect a client to it.
  If the :host key is given, LEIN_REPL_HOST is set, or :host is present
  under :repl-options, that host will be attached to, defaulting to
  localhost otherwise, which will block remote connections. If the :port
  key is given, LEIN_REPL_PORT is set, or :port is present under
  :repl-options in the project map, that port will be used for
  the server, otherwise it is chosen randomly. When starting outside
  of a project, the nREPL server will run internally to Leiningen. When
  run under trampoline, the client/server step is skipped entirely; use
  the :headless command to start a trampolined server.

:headless [[:host host] [:port port] | [:socket path]]
  This will launch an nREPL server and wait (as per :start), without
  connecting a client to it.  If the :socket key is given,
  LEIN_REPL_SOCKET is set, or :socket is present under :repl-options
  in the project map, the server will listen on the filesystem socket
  specified by the path. Note that POSIX does not specify the
  effect (if any) of the socket file's permissions (and some systems
  have ignored them), so any access control should be arranged via
  parent directories. You may not specify both a socket and a

:connect [dest]
  Connects to an already running nREPL server. Dest can be:
  - host:port -- connects to the specified host and port;
  - port -- resolves host from the LEIN_REPL_HOST environment
      variable or :repl-options, in that order, and defaults to
  If no dest is given, resolves the host resolved as described above
  and the port from LEIN_REPL_PORT, :repl-options, or .nrepl-port in
  the project root, in that order. Providing an argument that begins
  with @ and points to a filename containing a connect string will read
  that file and use its contents, allowing sensitive credentials to be
  kept out of the process table and shell history.

:transport [transport]
  Start nREPL using the transport referenced here, instead of using the
  default bencode transport. Useful is you want to leverage a client
  that can't handle bencode.
  If no transport is given then it will be inferred by checking
  LEIN_REPL_TRANSPORT, :repl-options, or .nrepl.edn (global one or in
  the project root), in that order.

:greeting-fn [greeting-fn]
  Function used to generate the greeting message in the REPL after the
  nREPL server has started. Useful for "dumb" transports like TTY, or
  when you want to send some custom message to clients on connect.
  If no greeting-fn is given then it will be inferred by checking
  LEIN_REPL_GREETING_FN, :repl-options, or .nrepl.edn (global one or in
  the project root), in that order.

For connecting to HTTPS repl servers add [nrepl/drawbridge "0.2.1"]
to your :plugins list.

Note: the :repl profile is implicitly activated for this task. It cannot be
deactivated, but it can be overridden.
raw docstring


(repl-greeting-fn project)


(repl-transport project)





(server project cfg headless?)


(string-from-file arg)

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