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Core service and application logic.

Core service and application logic.
raw docstring



Create the Telegram bot and run the application.

Create the Telegram bot and run the application.
sourceraw docstring


(app bot)

Retrieve and process chat messages.

Retrieve and process chat messages.
sourceraw docstring


(create-bot token)

Create a Telegram bot instance.

Create a Telegram bot instance.
sourceraw docstring


(handle-msg bot msg)

Check the message text for command or string matches and handle the message appropriately.

Check the message text for command or string matches and handle the
message appropriately.
sourceraw docstring


(poll-updates bot)
(poll-updates bot offset)

Long poll for recent chat messages from Telegram.

Long poll for recent chat messages from Telegram.
sourceraw docstring



Shutdown the service cleanly.

Shutdown the service cleanly.
sourceraw docstring

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