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ClojureScript optimized for modern React development.

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [helix.core :refer [defnc $]]
            [helix.hooks :as hooks]
            [helix.dom :as d]
            ["react-dom" :as rdom]))

;; define components using the `defnc` macro
(defnc Greeting
  "A component which greets a user."
  [{:keys [name]}]
  ;; use helix.dom to create DOM elements
  (d/div "Hello, " (d/strong name) "!"))

(defnc App []
  (let [[state set-state] (hooks/use-state {:name "Helix User"})]
     (d/h1 "Welcome!")
      ;; create elements out of components
      ($ Greeting {:name (:name state)})
      (d/input {:value name
                :on-change #(set-state assoc :name (.. % -target -value))}))))

;; start your app with your favorite React renderer
(rdom/render ($ App) (js/document.getElementById "app"))


Clojars Project

You'll want to make sure you have the latest version of react, and whatever renderer you are targeting (e.g. react-dom).

shadow-cljs and npm

npm i react react-dom

lein-cljsbuild / figwheel-main / raw CLJS

Use CLJSJS or package react yourself using webpack, ensuring it is provided as the name "react".


Other resources:

Everything in the forward-looking example and discussion has been implemented except for annotating expressions with metadata like ^:memo and ^:callback.


Copyright © 2020 Will Acton

Distributed under the EPL 2.0

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