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Wrapper around react hooks.

Many functions take a deps argument, corresponding to their React equivalent. This is an argument which can either be a a vector of deps or a special keyword:

vector of deps Use specified deps explicitly. :always Re-run hook on every render, equivalent to passing no deps vector to the hook. :once Equivalent to using [] as the deps. :auto-deps Infer the dependencies automatically from the code by finding local vars. Not available for the function form of a hook.

Wrapper around react hooks.

Many functions take a `deps` argument, corresponding to their React
equivalent.  This is an argument which can either be a a vector of
deps or a special keyword:

vector of deps  Use specified deps explicitly.
:always         Re-run hook on every render, equivalent to passing no deps
                vector to the hook.
:once           Equivalent to using [] as the deps.
:auto-deps      Infer the dependencies automatically from the code by finding
                local vars.  Not available for the function form of a hook.
raw docstring


(deps-macro-body env deps body simple-body-ok? deps->hook-body)


(determine-deps deps)


Protocol that marks a type as callable when passed to a use-state setter.

Protocol that marks a type as callable when passed to a use-state setter.
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(simple-body? body)


(use-callback deps & fn-body)

Like react/useCallback. See namespace doc for deps. fn-body should be a code form which returns a function.

Like react/useCallback.  See namespace doc for `deps`.  `fn-body` should
be a code form which returns a function.
sourceraw docstring


(use-callback* f)
(use-callback* f deps)

f is a function which will be passed to react/useCallback. See namespace doc for deps.

`f` is a function which will be passed to react/useCallback.  See
namespace doc for `deps`.
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Just react/useContext

Just react/useContext
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Just react/useDebugValue

Just react/useDebugValue
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(use-effect deps & body)

Like react/useEffect. See namespace doc for deps. body should be a code form which will be wrapped in a function and passed to react/useEffect. If it returns a function, that will be used to clean up.

Unlike react/useEffect, only if you return a function will it be used, you DO NOT need to return js/undefined.

Like react/useEffect.  See namespace doc for `deps`.  `body` should be a
code form which will be wrapped in a function and passed to
react/useEffect.  If it returns a function, that will be used to clean up.

Unlike react/useEffect, only if you return a function will it be used, you
DO NOT need to return js/undefined.
sourceraw docstring


(use-effect* f)
(use-effect* f deps)

Like react/useEffect. See use-effect for details on what f's return values. See namespace doc for deps.

Like react/useEffect.  See `use-effect` for details on what `f`'s return values.  See namespace doc for `deps`.
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(use-imperative-handle ref deps & body)

Like react/useImperativeHandle. ref is unchanged in meaning. See namespace doc for deps. body should be a code form which will be wrapped in a function.

Like react/useImperativeHandle.  `ref` is unchanged in meaning.  See
namespace doc for `deps`.  `body` should be a code form which will be
wrapped in a function.
sourceraw docstring


(use-imperative-handle* ref f)
(use-imperative-handle* ref f deps)

Like react/useImperativeHandle. ref and f are unchanged in meaning. See namespace doc for deps

Like react/useImperativeHandle.  `ref` and `f` are unchanged in meaning.
See namespace doc for `deps`
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(use-layout-effect deps & body)

Like use-effect but instead calls react/useLayoutEffect.

Like `use-effect` but instead calls react/useLayoutEffect.
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(use-layout-effect* f)
(use-layout-effect* f deps)

Like use-effect* but instead calls react/useLayoutEffect.

Like `use-effect*` but instead calls react/useLayoutEffect.
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(use-memo deps & body)

Like react/useMemo. See namespace doc for deps. body should be a code form which will be wrapped in a function.

Like react/useMemo.  See namespace doc for `deps`.  `body` should be a
code form which will be wrapped in a function.
sourceraw docstring


(use-memo* f)
(use-memo* f deps)

Like react/useMemo. f is unchanged in meaning. See namespace doc for deps.

Like react/useMemo.  `f` is unchanged in meaning.  See namespace doc for
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(use-reducer reducer init-state)
(use-reducer reducer init-state init)

Just react/useReducer.

Just react/useReducer.
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(use-ref x)

Like react/useRef. Supports accessing the "current" property via dereference (@) and updating the "current" property via reset! and swap!

Like react/useRef. Supports accessing the "current" property via
dereference (@) and updating the "current" property via `reset!` and
sourceraw docstring


(use-state initial)

Like react/useState, but the update function returned can be used similar to swap! if the first argument implements IStateUpdater. By default, this includes functions and multimethods.


(let [[state set-state] (use-state {:count 0})]
 ;; ...
 (set-state update :count inc))
Like `react/useState`, but the update function returned can be used similar
to `swap!` if the first argument implements `IStateUpdater`.
By default, this includes functions and multimethods.

(let [[state set-state] (use-state {:count 0})]
 ;; ...
 (set-state update :count inc))
sourceraw docstring


(use-subscription {:keys [get-current-value subscribe]})

Hook used for safely managing subscriptions, respecting Clojure equality.

In order to avoid removing and re-adding subscriptions each time this hook is called, the parameters passed to this hook should be memoized in some way– either by wrapping the entire params object with use-memo or by wrapping the individual callbacks with use-callback.

Hook used for safely managing subscriptions, respecting Clojure equality.

In order to avoid removing and re-adding subscriptions each time this hook is
called, the parameters passed to this hook should be memoized in some way–
either by wrapping the entire params object with `use-memo` or by wrapping the
individual callbacks with `use-callback`.
sourceraw docstring

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