An idiomatic Clojure Docker client based on the excellent JVM client by Spotify.
The Spotify lib though being excellent, has Java style vararg method calls, non-standard variable passing and undocumented behaviour. This eases out these things to make an idiomatic, clojure friendly API to Docker.
This is a work in progress and aims to be fully compliant and up to date with the Docker API changes.
Please raise issues here for any new feature requests!
[lispyclouds/clj-docker-client "0.1.13"]
Clojure CLI/deps.edn
{lispyclouds/clj-docker-client {:mvn/version "0.1.13"}}
compile 'lispyclouds:clj-docker-client:0.1.13'
Auto generated code docs can be found here
(require '[clj-docker-client.core :as docker])
(def conn (docker/connect))
(def conn (docker/connect ""))
(docker/disconnect conn)
Connections can be used in the (with-open)
which closes it after use.
(with-open [conn (docker/connect)]
(docker/ping conn))
=> "OK"
(docker/ping conn)
=> "OK"
(docker/info conn)
=> {:arch "x86_64"
:cgroup-driver "cgroupfs"
:cluster-store ""
:containers 0
:cpu-cfs-period? true
:cpu-cfs-quota? true
:cpus 4
:debug? true
:docker-root-dir "/var/lib/docker"
other system info...}
(def login-info (docker/register conn "username" "password"))
image(docker/pull conn "busybox:musl")
=> "busybox:musl"
"full path to directory containing a Dockerfile"
=> "9958e80071d4"
(docker/push conn "image id or <repo>:<tag>" login-info)
=> "myrepo/test:latest"
(docker/image-rm conn "image id or <repo>:<tag>")
=> "myrepo/test:latest"
(docker/image-ls conn)
=> [{:created "1538500829"
:id "feaa93c97400"
:repo-tags ["busybox:musl"]
:size 1358201}
{:created "1536704390"
:id "196d12cf6ab1"
:repo-tags ["alpine:latest"]
:size 4413370}]
"container id"
"entry point command")
=> "9958e8aafed2"
image, a command, env vars and host->container port mappings.(docker/create conn "busybox:musl" "echo hello" {:env "testing"} {"" 8000})
=> "9a9ce5dc847c"
; Binds on in the host by default.
(docker/create conn "busybox:musl" "echo hello" {:env "testing"} {8000 8000})
=> "9a9ce5dc847c"
(docker/ps conn) ; Only running containers
=> [{:command " redis-server"
:id "13c274fc67e6"
:image "redis:alpine"
:names ["friendly_einstein"]
:ports [{:ip nil :private 6379 :public 0 :type :tcp}]
:state :running
:status "Up 34 seconds"}]
(docker/ps conn true) ; All containers
=> [{:command " redis-server"
:id "13c274fc67e6"
:image "redis:alpine"
:names ["friendly_einstein"]
:ports [{:ip nil :private 6379 :public 0 :type :tcp}]
:state :running
:status "Up 34 seconds"}
{:command "echo hello"
:id "9a9ce5dc847c"
:image "busybox:musl"
:names ["festive_lovelace"]
:ports []
:state :created
:status "Created"}]
(docker/start conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/stop conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/kill conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/restart conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/pause conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/un-pause conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/wait-container conn "name or id")
=> 0 ; Normal exit
(docker/wait-container conn "name or id")
=> 137 ; Abnormal exit
(docker/run conn "image" "command" {:env "test"} {8100 8000}) ; Waits for container exit
=> "13c274fc67e6" ; after exit...
(docker/run conn "image" "command" {:env "test"} {8100 8000} true) ; Detached, returns immediately
=> "13c274fc67e6" ; immediately
(docker/logs conn "name or id")
=> ("line 1" "line 2" ...)
; Drop first 10 lines and take at most 30 lines from it
(->> (docker/logs conn "name or id")
(drop 10)
(take 30))
=> ("line 11" "line 12" ...)
(docker/container-state conn "name or id")
=> {:error ""
:exit-code 0
:finished-at #inst "2018-11-20T20:41:46.904-00:00"
:oom-killed? false
:paused false
:pid 0
:restarting? false
:running? false
:started-at #inst "2018-11-20T20:41:46.813-00:00"
:status :exited}
(docker/rm conn "id or name") ; Remove non-running container
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/rm conn "id or name" true) ; Force remove non-running container
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/cp conn "id or name" "source path on host" "dest path on container")
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/stream-path conn "id or name" "path on container")
=> #object[org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream
(docker/inspect conn "id or name")
=> {:args [],
:path "sh",
:network-settings {:ip-address "", :ip-prefix-len 16},
:restart-count 0,
:hosts-path "/var/lib/docker/containers/b8526912bf10b2aebda772be45e9d7950ab1fd6f83d62d840657615661daf0f7/hosts",
:name "/elastic_shaw",
:created #inst"2019-01-29T19:11:13.971-00:00",
:state {:paused false,
:exit-code 0,
:running? true,
:oom-killed? false,
:started-at #inst"2019-01-29T19:11:14.553-00:00",
:restarting? false,
:pid 8181,
:status :running,
:error "",
:finished-at #inst"0001-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"}
... more info}
(docker/network-create conn "sky-net")
=> "sky-net"
(docker/network-create conn "sky-net" true true) ; Check for duplicates and is attachable.
=> "sky-net"
(docker/network-ls conn)
=> ({:name "sky-net", :id "408ead00892d", :scope "local", :driver "bridge"}
{:name "none", :id "3b2b15102d2d", :scope "local", :driver "null"}
{:name "bridge", :id "eb4287b6fe7e", :scope "local", :driver "bridge"}
{:name "host", :id "4e4c79263e3f", :scope "local", :driver "host"})
(docker/network-connect "sky-net" "container id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/network-disconnect "sky-net" "container id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/network-rm "sky-net")
=> "sky-net"
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