An idiomatic Clojure Docker client based on the excellent JVM client by Spotify.
The Spotify lib though being excellent, has Java style vararg method calls, non-standard variable passing and undocumented behaviour. This eases out these things to make an idiomatic, clojure friendly API to Docker.
This is a work in progress and aims to be fully compliant and up to date with the Docker API changes.
Please raise issues here for any new feature requests!
This release includes sizable code refactoring and reduction and Docker responses from the Spotify lib are auto generated and is used verbatim to provide more info.
This means the key names in the maps are CamelCased not kebab-cased as it reads the Java key names directly and auto camel->kebab case conversion in unreliable due to inconsistent var names in the Spotify lib.
[lispyclouds/clj-docker-client "0.2.0"]
Clojure CLI/deps.edn
{lispyclouds/clj-docker-client {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}}
compile 'lispyclouds:clj-docker-client:0.2.0'
Auto generated code docs can be found here
(require '[clj-docker-client.core :as docker])
(def conn (docker/connect))
(def conn (docker/connect ""))
(docker/disconnect conn)
Connections can be used in the (with-open)
which closes it after use.
(with-open [conn (docker/connect)]
(docker/ping conn))
=> "OK"
(docker/ping conn)
=> "OK"
(docker/info conn)
=> {:Driver "overlay2"
:NFd 26
:Architecture "x86_64"
:CpuCfsQuota true
:NGoroutines 53
:Images 0
:Containers 0
:CgroupDriver "cgroupfs"
:ExperimentalBuild false
:KernelMemory true
:InitSha1 nil
:IndexServerAddress ""
:SystemTime 1550060192024
:HttpsProxy "gateway.docker.internal:3129"
:ExecutionDriver nil
:Plugins {:Volume ["local"]
:Network ["bridge" "host" "macvlan" "null" "overlay"]}
:SwapLimit true
:Debug true
other system info...}
(def login-info (docker/register conn "username" "password"))
image(docker/pull conn "busybox:musl")
=> "busybox:musl"
"full path to directory containing a Dockerfile"
=> "9958e80071d4"
(docker/push conn "image id or <repo>:<tag>" login-info)
=> "myrepo/test:latest"
(docker/image-rm conn "image id or <repo>:<tag>")
=> "myrepo/test:latest"
(docker/image-ls conn)
=> [{:Created "1548886792",
:Id "sha256:caf27325b298a6730837023a8a342699c8b7b388b8d878966b064a1320043019",
:ParentId "",
:RepoTags ["alpine:latest"],
:RepoDigests ["alpine@sha256:b3dbf31b77fd99d9c08f780ce6f5282aba076d70a513a8be859d8d3a4d0c92b8"],
:Size 5529164,
:VirtualSize 5529164,
:Labels nil}
{:Created "1546305828",
:Id "sha256:3cc47384c4cb779466fe40182420bd90ba761a5f26f8564580a114bcd0dfa911",
:ParentId "",
:RepoTags ["busybox:musl"],
:RepoDigests ["busybox@sha256:366488474d5b8dfa2546ec5d220e86029925d6c2e54c3fdf45efbfdd06da8e4d"],
:Size 1403257,
:VirtualSize 1403257,
:Labels nil}]
"container id"
"entry point command")
=> "9958e8aafed2"
image, a command, env vars and host->container port mappings.(docker/create conn "busybox:musl" "echo hello" {:env "testing"} {"" 8000})
=> "9a9ce5dc847c"
; Binds on in the host by default.
(docker/create conn "busybox:musl" "echo hello" {:env "testing"} {8000 8000})
=> "9a9ce5dc847c"
(docker/ps conn) ; Only running containers, pass true for all containers
=> [{:Ports [{:PrivatePort 6379, :PublicPort 0, :Type "tcp", :IP nil}],
:Image "redis:alpine",
:Labels {},
:Id "86fd4b8375e3dfac018e37efbddb7b39d3d4b28e1671331a97fb913e7d888f68",
:SizeRw nil,
:Mounts [{:Type "volume",
:Name "9669e9b669d5c18ebc8314a4217af4a2207f37d94684ab353b9da87275cad4d1",
:Source "",
:Destination "/data",
:Driver "local",
:Mode "",
:RW true,
:Propagation ""}],
:SizeRootFs nil,
:Command " redis-server",
:ImageID "sha256:a5cff96d7b8f5d3332b43922e424d448172f68b118e0e32cb26270227faec083",
:Names ["/goofy_wilson"],
:State "running",
:Created 1550060546,
:NetworkSettings {:Ports {},
:LinkLocalIPv6Address nil,
:GlobalIPv6PrefixLen nil,
:SandboxID nil,
:IPv6Gateway nil,
:PortMapping nil,
:Gateway nil,
:EndpointID nil,
:MacAddress nil,
:IPPrefixLen nil,
:GlobalIPv6Address nil,
:Networks {:bridge {:Aliases nil,
:GlobalIPv6PrefixLen 0,
:IPv6Gateway "",
:Gateway "",
:EndpointID "6bf4bc46e3cc7cef4325a832be258ce492ed4acad6924c28852f3d8ebd104746",
:MacAddress "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
:IPPrefixLen 16,
:GlobalIPv6Address "",
:IPAddress "",
:NetworkID "0c54060f7a84c94770358434c8ecd4a5078af12157825b91bb2dde68966368c7"}},
:Bridge nil,
:HairpinMode nil,
:SandboxKey nil,
:IPAddress nil,
:LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen nil},
:Status "Up 7 seconds"}]
(docker/start conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/stop conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/kill conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/restart conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/pause conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/un-pause conn "name or id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/wait-container conn "name or id")
=> 0 ; Normal exit
(docker/wait-container conn "name or id")
=> 137 ; Abnormal exit
(docker/run conn "image" "command" {:env "test"} {8100 8000}) ; Waits for container exit
=> "13c274fc67e6" ; after exit...
(docker/run conn "image" "command" {:env "test"} {8100 8000} true) ; Detached, returns immediately
=> "13c274fc67e6" ; immediately
(docker/logs conn "name or id")
=> ("line 1" "line 2" ...)
; Drop first 10 lines and take at most 30 lines from it
(->> (docker/logs conn "name or id")
(drop 10)
(take 30))
=> ("line 11" "line 12" ...)
(docker/container-state conn "name or id")
=> {:Restarting false,
:ExitCode 0,
:Running true,
:Pid 12552,
:StartedAt 1550060547196,
:Paused false,
:Error "",
:FinishedAt -62135769600000,
:OOMKilled false,
:Health nil,
:Status "running"}
(docker/rm conn "id or name") ; Remove non-running container
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/rm conn "id or name" true) ; Force remove non-running container
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/cp conn "id or name" "source path on host" "dest path on container")
=> "00873a15ef06"
(docker/stream-path conn "id or name" "path on container")
=> #object[org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream
(docker/inspect conn "id or name")
=> {:HostsPath "/var/lib/docker/containers/86fd4b8375e3dfac018e37efbddb7b39d3d4b28e1671331a97fb913e7d888f68/hosts"
:ProcessLabel ""
:Path ""
:Config {:OnBuild nil
:Env ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
:OpenStdin false
:Image "redis:alpine"
:Labels {}
:Entrypoint [""]
:Healthcheck nil
:Tty false
:WorkingDir "/data"
:HostConfig nil
:AttachStderr true
:AttachStdout true
:Domainname ""
:StopSignal nil
:Hostname "86fd4b8375e3"
:ExposedPorts ["6379/tcp"]
:MacAddress nil
:NetworkDisabled nil
:User ""
:AttachStdin false
:StdinOnce false
:Volumes ["/data"]
:NetworkingConfig nil
:PortSpecs nil
:Cmd ["redis-server"]}
... more info}
(docker/network-create conn "sky-net")
=> "sky-net"
(docker/network-create conn "sky-net" true true) ; Check for duplicates and is attachable.
=> "sky-net"
(docker/network-ls conn)
=> ({:IPAM {:Driver "default", :Config [], :Options nil},
:Labels {},
:Driver "null",
:Id "3b2b15102d2df9a1dd7dec6fac1a1164892cc3bd999266523e739e634d39a13f",
:EnableIPv6 false,
:Containers {},
:Scope "local",
:Attachable false,
:Options {},
:Internal false,
:Name "none"
{:IPAM {:Driver "default", :Config [], :Options nil},
:Labels {},
:Driver "host",
:Id "4e4c79263e3faff02062c6dd9953fb3e35d199e197f268034a4176b907712ba0",
:EnableIPv6 false,
:Containers {},
:Scope "local",
:Attachable false,
:Options {},
:Internal false,
:Name "host"
{:IPAM {:Driver "default", :Config [{:Subnet "", :IPRange nil, :Gateway ""}], :Options nil},
:Labels {},
:Driver "bridge",
:Id "0c54060f7a84c94770358434c8ecd4a5078af12157825b91bb2dde68966368c7",
:EnableIPv6 false,
:Containers {},
:Scope "local",
:Attachable false,
:Options { "true", "true", "true", "", "docker0", "1500"},
:Internal false,
:Name "bridge"}}
{:IPAM {:Driver "default", :Config [{:Subnet "", :IPRange nil, :Gateway ""}], :Options {}},
:Labels {},
:Driver "bridge",
:Id "df99a33349c5a5f6a93d631bd0bd5f033710bde1d31ede3c48410d0c8e4b705f",
:EnableIPv6 false,
:Containers {},
:Scope "local",
:Attachable false,
:Options {},
:Internal false,
:Name "sky-net"}})
(docker/network-connect "sky-net" "container id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/network-disconnect "sky-net" "container id")
=> "13c274fc67e6"
(docker/network-rm "sky-net")
=> "sky-net"
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