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Library to replace all of amazonica with mocked functions.

The overall intent is to add mocked versions of functions in your tests, while also ensuring that everything else is stubbed out and throws a java.lang.Error when called. This way if you fail to stub out a function in your tests, you'll get a clear indication of it.


[locoroll/mockazonica "0.1.2"]

To replace only and with your versions, and stub out all other amazonica functions with a version that constantly throws a java.lang.Error.

(ns your-test-ns
  (:require [mockazonica.core :refer [mock-amazonica!]]))
(mock-amazonica! :redefs {' (fn [& args] ,,,)
                          ' (fn [& args] ,,,)})

You can also pass in a custom :default-fn, which should be a function that takes the symbol being stubbed out, and returns the mock function.

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