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Linting Tests

Clojure library to use the Elasticsearch Scroll API as a lazy sequence.

Latest version

If you're using deps.edn then:

{:deps {lazy-elasticsearch-scroll {:git/url ""
                                   :sha "b8a01341cfac4747274e3b49a169d3e54d1f1dfa"}}}


(require '[scroll :as scroll])

  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :index-name ".kibana"
   :query      {:query {:match_all {}}}})
;; =>
({:_id "space:default",
  :_type "_doc",
  :_score 1.0,
  :_index ".kibana_1",
  :_source {:space {:description "This is your default space!",
                    :color "#00bfb3",
                    :name "Default",
                    :_reserved true,
                    :disabledFeatures []},
            :migrationVersion {:space "6.6.0"},
            :type "space",
            :references [],
            :updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z"}}
 {:_id "config:7.6.0",
  :_type "_doc",
  :_score 1.0,
  :_index ".kibana_1",
  :_source {:config {:buildNum 29000}, :type "config", :references [], :updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:20.526Z"}})


;; Scroll through all the documents:
(scroll/hits {:es-host "http://localhost:9200"})

;; Fetch at most 10 docs:
(take 10 (scroll/hits
           {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
            :index-name ".kibana"
            :query      {:query {:match_all {}}}}))

;; Do not keywordize keys
  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :opts       {:keywordize?  false}})
;; =>
({"_score" nil,
  "_type" "_doc",
  "sort" [0],
  "_source" {"space" {"disabledFeatures" [],
                      "name" "Default",
                      "_reserved" true,
                      "color" "#00bfb3",
                      "description" "This is your default space!"},
             "references" [],
             "updated_at" "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z",
             "type" "space",
             "migrationVersion" {"space" "6.6.0"}},
  "_id" "space:default",
  "_index" ".kibana_1"}
 {"_score" nil, "_type" "_doc", "sort" [0], "_source" {"value" 0}, "_id" "0", "_index" "scroll-test-index"})

Supported Elasticsearch versions

  • 7.6.x
  • 7.5.x
  • 6.8.x


Run the development environment make run-dev-env. This will start a docker-compose cluster with Elasticsearch and Kibana on exposed ports 9200 and 5601 respectively.

Run integration tests locally make run-integration-tests. This will start a docker-compose in which the integration tests will be run.


Copyright © 2020 Dainius Jocas.

Distributed under the The Apache License, Version 2.0.

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