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Clojure library to get the data from Elasticsearch as a lazy sequence. Following strategies are supported:

The scroll API is the default strategy.

Use Cases

The purpose of the library is to have an interface to consume all or some part the data from Elasticsearch. Why would you need to do that:

  • You need more documents than index.max_result_window;
  • One-off data transfer between Elasticsearch clusters (e.g. production -> staging);
  • One-off query replay from Elasticsearch logs cluster with slow queries back to the production Elasticsearch cluster;
  • If your enriched documents goes directly to the production Elasticsearch, and you want to play with the enriched data on your laptop;
  • etc...

Latest Version

The library is uploaded to Clojars, so you can just:

{:deps {lt.jocas/lazy-elasticsearch-scroll {:mvn/version "1.0.13"}}}

If you want to use the code straight from Github then:

{:deps {lt.jocas/lazy-elasticsearch-scroll {:git/url ""
                                            :sha "c8e1bfc4564af51085db1e50b3427236c2f433c0"}}}


(require '[scroll :as scroll])

  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :index-name ".kibana"
   :query      {:query {:match_all {}}}})
;; =>
({:_id "space:default",
  :_type "_doc",
  :_score 1.0,
  :_index ".kibana_1",
  :_source {:space {:description "This is your default space!",
                    :color "#00bfb3",
                    :name "Default",
                    :_reserved true,
                    :disabledFeatures []},
            :migrationVersion {:space "6.6.0"},
            :type "space",
            :references [],
            :updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z"}}
 {:_id "config:7.6.0",
  :_type "_doc",
  :_score 1.0,
  :_index ".kibana_1",
  :_source {:config {:buildNum 29000}, :type "config", :references [], :updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:20.526Z"}})


;; Scroll through all the documents:
(scroll/hits {:es-host "http://localhost:9200"})

;; Fetch at most 10 docs:
(take 10 (scroll/hits
           {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
            :index-name ".kibana"
            :query      {:query {:match_all {}}}}))

;; Do not keywordize keys
  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :opts       {:keywordize?  false}})
;; =>
({"_score" nil,
  "_type" "_doc",
  "sort" [0],
  "_source" {"space" {"disabledFeatures" [],
                      "name" "Default",
                      "_reserved" true,
                      "color" "#00bfb3",
                      "description" "This is your default space!"},
             "references" [],
             "updated_at" "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z",
             "type" "space",
             "migrationVersion" {"space" "6.6.0"}},
  "_id" "space:default",
  "_index" ".kibana_1"}
 {"_score" nil, "_type" "_doc", "sort" [0], "_source" {"value" 0}, "_id" "0", "_index" "scroll-test-index"})

Using strategies

To specify strategy you need to pass one of the following keys in the opts map: [:scroll-api :search-after]. For the scroll API:

  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :opts       {:strategy     :scroll-api}})

For the search_after:

  {:es-host    "http://localhost:9200"
   :opts       {:strategy     :search-after}})

Compare strategies

The scroll API is the default choice because it is the most common and relatively convenient way of getting documents from Elasticsearch. However, it has several disadvantages:

  • it creates state in the cluster (what if only GET requests are allowed in your environment?);
  • might get resource intensive;
  • if your downstream consumers are not fast enough then scroll context might expire and then you need to start over;

The search-after strategy has several nice benefits:

  • it is stateless (no such thing as expired contexts);
  • search_after under the hood is filtering, filters can be cached, so it is reasonably fast;
  • uses the standard search API.

However search-after is not a silver bullet:

  • slower then scrolling;
  • no point in time snapshot of data (might get some data multiple times);
  • it requires thinking which attributes to use for sorting as tiebreaker;
    • sorting on _id is resource intensive, therefore you might get timeouts;
    • sorting on _doc is unpredictable because _doc is unique per shard;
  • how to parallelize fetching?

User Authorization

The basic authorization is supported via environment variables:

  • ELASTIC_USERNAME, no default value
  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD, no default value

Supported Elasticsearch versions

  • 7.9.x
  • 6.8.x


Run the development environment make run-dev-env. This will start a docker-compose cluster with Elasticsearch and Kibana on exposed ports 9200 and 5601 respectively.

To run development environment with a specific ELK version:

ES_VERSION=6.8.12 make run-dev-env

Run integration tests locally make run-integration-tests. This will start a docker-compose in which the integration tests will be run.

To run integration tests with a specific ELK version:

ES_VERSION=6.8.8 make run-integration-tests


Copyright © 2020 Dainius Jocas.

Distributed under the The Apache License, Version 2.0.

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