(annotator dictionary
{:keys [type-name validate-dictionary? optimize-dictionary?
Creates an annotator function with for a given dictionary. Params:
Options:Creates an annotator function with for a given dictionary. Params: - dictionary: a list of dictionary entries as described in `beagle.schema` Options: - type-name: a string, defaults to "PHRASE" - validate-dictionary?: if set to true then validates the dictionary, default false - optimize-dictionary?: if set to true then optimizes dictionary before creating the monitor, default false - tokenizer: a keyword one of #{:standard :whitespace}, default :standard
(dict-entries->monitor-queries dict-entries default-analysis-conf)
(dict-entry->monitor-query {:keys [id text meta type slop] :as dict-entry}
(field-name-analyzer-mappings dictionary default-analysis-conf)
Creates a map with field names as keys and Lucene analyzers as values. Both field name and analyzer are decided based on the dictionary entry configuration. First group dictionary entries by field name. Then from every group of dictionary entries take the first entry and create an analyzer based on analysis configuration.
Creates a map with field names as keys and Lucene analyzers as values. Both field name and analyzer are decided based on the dictionary entry configuration. First group dictionary entries by field name. Then from every group of dictionary entries take the first entry and create an analyzer based on analysis configuration.
(setup-monitor dictionary default-analysis-conf)
Setups the monitor with all the dictionary entries.
Setups the monitor with all the dictionary entries.
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