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(new-http-server routes)
(new-http-server routes overrides)

Inputs: ([routes :- s-hs/Routes] [routes :- s-hs/Routes overrides :- s-hs/Overrides])

Inputs: ([routes :- s-hs/Routes] [routes :- s-hs/Routes overrides :- s-hs/Overrides])
sourceraw docstring


(strict-map->HttpServerImpl m30573 & [drop-extra-keys?__1286__auto__])

Factory function for class HttpServerImpl, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->

Factory function for class HttpServerImpl, taking a map of keywords to field values.  All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed.  Even faster than map->
sourceraw docstring

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