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A library for encrypting and decrypting arbitrary Clojure values, using libsodium/caesium symmetric encryption primitives.


Clojars Project


This library provides the following methods:

  • new-key! Create a new symmetric key for encryption/decryption. The key has the right cryptographic properties to be used with encrypt-value and decrypt-value. Returns a byte array with the key.
  • encrypt-value! [val key] Encrypt val (any Clojure value) using key as the encryption key. Returns an opaque byte array structure containing all the elements needed to decrypt it (except the decryption key). Throws an exception if key is not a valid encryption key.
  • decrypt-value [encrypted-val key] Decrypt encrypted-val and return its original value, using key as the decryption key. Throws an exception if key is not a valid decryption key, or if encrypted-val is not a valid encrypted value (as returned by encrypt-value).

Example code

user=> (require '[magnet.encryption.core :as core])
user=> (def key (core/new-key!))
user=> key
[-122, -75, 125, 109, -111, 102, 69, -68, -8, -55, 0, -56, -75, -91,
 121, 20, -44, -60, 52, 75, -75, -120, -36, 53, -107, 71, -114, 33,
 -8, -59, 52, -32]
user=> (def simple-value "Hello world")
user=> (def complex-value {:name "John Doe"
                           :fav-dishes ["pizza" "hamburgers"]})
user=> (def encrypted-simple-value (core/encrypt-value! simple-value key))
user=> (def encrypted-complex-value (core/encrypt-value! complex-value key))
user=> encrypted-simple-value
[78, 80, 89, 4, -26, 109, -17, 76, -98, 98, 58, -83, 51, -9, 39, 96,
 -95, -59, -35, -20, 72, 80, 84, 83, 104, 102, 70, -88, 109, -16, 72,
 -25, -83, 36, 98, 11, 96, 53, 94, -13, 22, 4, 115, 46, -116, 75,
 118, 82, -6, 31, 118, 15, 1, -107, 17, -37, -18]
user=> encrypted-complex-value
[78, 80, 89, 4, -119, -59, 52, -100, -21, -47, -98, -80, -106, 21,
 64, -102, 58, -75, 81, -112, 84, -22, -82, -37, 45, -30, -30, -36,
 64, 5, -22, 75, 34, -105, -118, 56, 71, 96, 50, 43, -82, 84, -34,
 118, 103, 75, -12, -7, -80, -99, 24, 33, 54, 9, 124, -46, 92, -25,
 104, 31, -59, 80, 40, 60, 47, 34, -85, -114, -83, -3, -46, -96, 16,
 -99, 54, 70, -67, -57, -42, -21, 124, 77, -14, 8, -60, -53, -53, 53,
 37, -117, -56, -28, -102, -31]
user=> (def decrypted-value (core/decrypt-value encrypted-complex-value key))
user=> decrypted-value
{:name "John Doe", :fav-dishes ["pizza" "hamburgers"]}
user=> (= complex-value decrypted-value)


Copyright (c) Magnet S Coop 2018.

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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