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Firebase notifications

A Duct library that provides Integrant keys for managing notifications in Firebase Cloud Messaging.


Clojars Project



To use this library add the following key to your configuration:


This key expects a configuration map with one mandatory key:

  • :google-credentials: A map with five elements:
    • project-id
    • private-key-id
    • private-key
    • client-id
    • client-email

Key initialization returns a Firebase record that can be used to perform the Firebase operations described below.

Configuration example

   {:google-credentials {:project-id #duct/env ["G_CREDENTIALS_PROJECT_ID" Str]
                         :private-key-id #duct/env ["G_CREDENTIALS_PRIVATE_KEY_ID" Str]
                         :private-key #duct/env ["G_CREDENTIALS_PRIVATE_KEY" Str]
                         :client-id #duct/env ["G_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID" Str]
                         :client-email #duct/env ["G_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_EMAIL" Str]}}

Obtaining a Firebase record

If you are using the library as part of a Duct-based project, adding any of the previous configurations to your config.edn file will perform all the steps necessary to initialize the key and return a Firebase record for the associated configuration. In order to show a few interactive usages of the library, we will do all the steps manually in the REPL.

First we require the relevant namespaces:

user> (require '[integrant.core :as ig]
               '[magnet.notifications.core :as core])

Next we create the configuration var holding the Firebase integration configuration details:

user> (def config {:google-credentials {:project-id (System/getEnv "G_CREDENTIALS_PROJECT_ID")
                                        :private-key-id (System/getEnv "G_CREDENTIALS_PRIVATE_KEY_ID")
                                        :private-key (System/getEnv "G_CREDENTIALS_PRIVATE_KEY")
                                        :client-id (System/getEnv "G_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID")
                                        :client-email (System/getEnv "G_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_EMAIL")}})

Now that we have all pieces in place, we can initialize the :magnet.notifications/firebase Integrant key to get a Firebase record. As we are doing all this from the REPL, we have to manually require magnet.notifications.firebase namespace, where the init-key multimethod for that key is defined (this is not needed when Duct takes care of initializing the key as part of the application start up):

user> (require '[magnet.notifications.firebase :as firebase])

And we finally initialize the key with the configuration defined above, to get our Firebase record:

user> (def fb-record (->
                       (->> (ig/init-key :magnet.notifications/firebase))))
user> fb-record
#magnet.notifications.firebase.Firebase{:service-credentials #object[

Now that we have our Firebase record, we are ready to use the methods defined by the protocols defined in magnet.notifications.core namespace.



  • parameters:
    • A Firebase record.
    • logger: usually a reference to :duct/logger key. But you can use any Integrant key derived from :duct/logger (such as :duct.logger/timbre).
    • recipient: registration token to send a message to. It can be a single value or a vector of multiple tokens.
    • message: a map with the information that will be send as a notification. The values can be strings, numbers or simple keywords. They will be converted to strings due to a Firebase limitation. It will be send as the data key in the Firebase message object.
    • options: optional configuration parameters that will be send in the Firebase message object. See the docs for available keys.
  • returning value:
    • :success? true if the notification was successfully sent to all the recipients. false if sending the notification failed for at least one recipient.
    • :errors list of errors that happened when sending the notification. It's one error for each recipient.
  • Example:
user> (core/send-notification fb-record logger ["token1" "token2"] {:header "Hello"} {})
{:success? true}

user> (core/send-notification fb-record logger ["token1" "invalid-token"] {:header "Hello"} {})
{:success? false
 :errors [{:status 400, :recipient "invalid-token"}]}


Copyright (c) 2020 Magnet S Coop.

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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