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Duct Object Storage

A Duct library that provides Integrant keys for managing AWS S3 objects.


Clojars Project


This library provides a single Integrant key, magnet.object-storage/s3, that expects the following keys:

  • :bucket-name: The name of the bucket where you want to perform S3 object level operations.
  • :presigned-url-lifespan: Lifespan for the presigned urls. It has to be specified in minutes, and the default value is one hour.

Example usage: {:bucket-name "hydrogen-test"
                 :presigned-url-lifespan  2.5 }

Key initialization returns an AWS3Bucket record that can be used to perform the following operations:

  • get-object [record object-id] Retrieves the specified object from S3.
  • get-object-url [record object-id] Returns a presigned url that can be used to access the specified object without authentication. The url lifespan can be specified in the record initialization.
  • put-object [record object-id object] Uploads an object to S3 with the specified object-id.
  • delete-object [record object-id] Deletes the specified object from S3.


Copyright (c) Magnet S Coop 2018.

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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