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Duct Twarc

A Duct library that provides Integrant keys for using Twarc scheduling library, with persistent JobStore backed by a Postgresql database.


Clojars Project


This library provides an Integrant key called :magnet.scheduling/twarc, used to create a Twarc scheduler. It expects the following mandatory configuration keys:

  • :postgres-cfg: a map with the Postgres database connections details, with the following mandatory keys:
    • :host
    • :port
    • :db
    • :user
    • :password
  • :logger: usually a reference to :duct/logger key. But you can use any Integrant key derived from :duct/logger (such as :duct.logger/timbre).

It also accepts the following optional configuration keys:

  • :scheduler-name: the name for this particular scheduler. Schedulers using persistent JobStores need to have a name. If this key is not specified, the default value of main-scheduler is used.
  • :thread-count: the size of the thread pool used by the scheduler to run scheduled jobs. If this key is not specified, the default value of 10 is used.

Key initialization returns a scheduler already started and ready to accept scheduling jobs. See Twarc documentation for job scheduling details and options.

Halting the key stops the scheduler and its scheduled jobs, and destroys any in memory state of the scheduler. But but the scheduled jobs and triggers are safely persisted in the backing database, ready to be picked up on next key initialization. So you need to initialize the key again to get a working instance of the scheduler and its associated jobs and triggers.

Important note: The underlying Quartz library has a limitation when using database backed persistent JobStores (this this Duct library does). You can't use arguments for your scheduled jobs that are tied to application classes (e.g., anonymous functions, Records, etc.). The persistent JobStore uses the standard class loader and doesn't know how to find application classes, so it can't deserialize the objects persisted in the database.

Example usage:

:magnet.scheduling/twarc {:postgres-cfg {:host #duct/env ["POSTGRES_HOST" Str]
                                         :port #duct/env ["POSTGRES_PORT" Str]
                                         :db #duct/env ["POSTGRES_DB" Str]
                                         :user #duct/env ["POSTGRES_USER" Str]
                                         :password #duct/env ["POSTGRES_PASSWORD" Str]}
                          :scheduler-name "main-scheduler"
						  :thread-count 10
                          :logger #ig/ref :duct/logger}

The library uses duct/migrator.ragtime to make sure the Postgresql tables for the persistent JobStore exist, and have the right structure and content. It implements a Duct module that adds the migrations needed by this library to the collection of already existing migrations in the system configuration map. If no :duct/migrator.ragtime configuration key is found, it automatically adds it and the library own migrations.

This means that, in addition to the main configuration key, you also need to specify the :magnet.module.scheduling/twarc-pgsql key for the Duct module, and you must have a :duct.module/sql key defined in your system configuration map, with the Postgresql database connection details.

So a realistic configuration example would look like this:

:duct.module/sql {:database-url #duct/env ["JDBC_DATABASE_URL" Str]}

:magnet.module.scheduling/twarc-pgsql {}

:magnet.scheduling/twarc {:postgres-cfg {:host #duct/env ["POSTGRES_HOST" Str]
                                         :port #duct/env ["POSTGRES_PORT" Str]
                                         :db #duct/env ["POSTGRES_DB" Str]
                                         :user #duct/env ["POSTGRES_USER" Str]
                                         :password #duct/env ["POSTGRES_PASSWORD" Str]}
                          :scheduler-name "main-scheduler"
                          :logger #ig/ref :duct/logger}

Important note

Remember that Integrant keys which derive from :duct/migrator (such as :duct/migrator.ragtime) are not initialized when running Duct from -main. So make sure you add :duct/migrator key to the arguments used to run the app from the uberjar (see for additional information)


Copyright (c) Magnet S Coop 2018.

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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