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Functions that wrap Jira API.


Every Jira function in this namespace follows the same pattern and accepts at least the following three parameters:

  • send-fn. A function of one argument, that accepts a Ring-style request map, sends it to a Jira HTTP server and returns a Ring-style response map.
  • receive-fn. A function of one argument, that accepts a Ring-style response map, transforms it and returns the transformed value.
  • opts. A map (it is optional for some of the functions) that configures a Jira query.

The library doesn't send HTTP requests itself, delegating this job to a caller via send-fn and receive-fn parameters instead. Each function will invoke send-fn argument with a request map it generated, then return a result of applying receive-fn to the return value from send-fn:

(defn typical-function
  [send-fn receive-fn opts]
  (let [request (generate-request-map opts)]
    (-> request

This approach allows for zero dependencies library but it comes with a price - users have to add a glue between HTTP library of their choice and manenko/clj-jira.

Quick Start

This section explains how to use manenko/clj-jira and clj-http libraries together.

First, require both libraries in your application:

(ns manenko.clj-jira.example
  (:require [clj-http.client             :as client]
            [manenko.clj-jira.core       :as jira]
            [manenko.clj-jira.middleware :as middleware]))

Then, define a host, email, and API token for Jira communication:

(def host  "")
(def email "")
(def token "DN21KLJh298haishu8AUHIU3")

You can, of course, retrieve them from other sources instead of hardcoding.

Next step is to define a function that sends an HTTP request and integrate it with Jira middleware provided by manenko/clj-jira:

(defn request
     (middleware/wrap-api        host)
     (middleware/wrap-token-auth email token))
    (client/request m)))

Now you can use request function to make API calls:

(jira/get-current-user request :body)
Functions that wrap Jira API.

### Design

Every Jira function in this namespace follows the same pattern and
accepts at least the following three parameters:

* `send-fn`. A function of one argument, that accepts a [Ring-style]
  *request* map, sends it to a Jira HTTP server and returns
  a [Ring-style] *response* map.
* `receive-fn`. A function of one argument, that accepts a [Ring-style]
  *response* map, transforms it and returns the *transformed* value.
* `opts`. A map (it is optional for some of the functions) that configures
  a Jira query.

The library doesn't send HTTP requests itself, delegating this job
to a caller via `send-fn` and `receive-fn` parameters instead.  Each
function will invoke `send-fn` argument with a request map it
generated, then return a result of applying `receive-fn` to the
return value from `send-fn`:

(defn typical-function
  [send-fn receive-fn opts]
  (let [request (generate-request-map opts)]
    (-> request

This approach allows for zero dependencies library but it comes with
a price - users have to add a glue between HTTP library of their
choice and `manenko/clj-jira`.

### Quick Start

This section explains how to use `manenko/clj-jira` and [clj-http]
libraries together.

First, require both libraries in your application:

(ns manenko.clj-jira.example
  (:require [clj-http.client             :as client]
            [manenko.clj-jira.core       :as jira]
            [manenko.clj-jira.middleware :as middleware]))

Then, define a host, email, and [API token] for Jira communication:

(def host  "")
(def email "")
(def token "DN21KLJh298haishu8AUHIU3")

You can, of course, retrieve them from other sources instead of hardcoding.

Next step is to define a function that sends an HTTP request and
integrate it with Jira middleware provided by `manenko/clj-jira`:

(defn request
     (middleware/wrap-api        host)
     (middleware/wrap-token-auth email token))
    (client/request m)))

Now you can use `request` function to make API calls:

(jira/get-current-user request :body)

[API token]:
raw docstring


Ring-style middleware for Jira REST API requests.

Ring-style middleware for Jira REST API requests.
raw docstring

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