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(teams-get optional-params)

Get teams For regular users only returns open teams. Users with the "manage_system" permission will return teams regardless of type. The result is based on query string parameters - page and per_page.


Must be authenticated. "manage_system" permission is required to show all teams.

Get teams
  For regular users only returns open teams. Users with the "manage_system" permission will return teams regardless of type. The result is based on query string parameters - page and per_page.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated. "manage_system" permission is required to show all teams.
raw docstring


(teams-get-with-http-info {:keys [page per-page include-total-count]})

Get teams For regular users only returns open teams. Users with the "manage_system" permission will return teams regardless of type. The result is based on query string parameters - page and per_page.


Must be authenticated. "manage_system" permission is required to show all teams.

Get teams
  For regular users only returns open teams. Users with the "manage_system" permission will return teams regardless of type. The result is based on query string parameters - page and per_page.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated. "manage_system" permission is required to show all teams.
raw docstring


(teams-invite-invite-id-get invite-id)

Get invite info for a team Get the name, display_name, description and id for a team from the invite id.

Minimum server version: 4.0


No authentication required.

Get invite info for a team
  Get the `name`, `display_name`, `description` and `id` for a team from the invite id.

__Minimum server version__: 4.0

##### Permissions
No authentication required.
raw docstring


(teams-invite-invite-id-get-with-http-info invite-id)

Get invite info for a team Get the name, display_name, description and id for a team from the invite id.

Minimum server version: 4.0


No authentication required.

Get invite info for a team
  Get the `name`, `display_name`, `description` and `id` for a team from the invite id.

__Minimum server version__: 4.0

##### Permissions
No authentication required.
raw docstring



Invalidate active email invitations Invalidate active email invitations that have not been accepted by the user.


Must have manage_system permission.

Invalidate active email invitations
  Invalidate active email invitations that have not been accepted by the user.
##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.
raw docstring



Invalidate active email invitations Invalidate active email invitations that have not been accepted by the user.


Must have manage_system permission.

Invalidate active email invitations
  Invalidate active email invitations that have not been accepted by the user.
##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-members-invite-post token)

Add user to team from invite Using either an invite id or hash/data pair from an email invite link, add a user to a team.


Must be authenticated.

Add user to team from invite
  Using either an invite id or hash/data pair from an email invite link, add a user to a team.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated.
raw docstring


(teams-members-invite-post-with-http-info token)

Add user to team from invite Using either an invite id or hash/data pair from an email invite link, add a user to a team.


Must be authenticated.

Add user to team from invite
  Using either an invite id or hash/data pair from an email invite link, add a user to a team.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated.
raw docstring


(teams-name-name-exists-get name)

Check if team exists Check if the team exists based on a team name.


Must be authenticated.

Check if team exists
  Check if the team exists based on a team name.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated.
raw docstring


(teams-name-name-exists-get-with-http-info name)

Check if team exists Check if the team exists based on a team name.


Must be authenticated.

Check if team exists
  Check if the team exists based on a team name.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated.
raw docstring


(teams-name-name-get name)

Get a team by name Get a team based on provided name string


Must be authenticated, team type is open and have the view_team permission.

Get a team by name
  Get a team based on provided name string
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated, team type is open and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-name-name-get-with-http-info name)

Get a team by name Get a team based on provided name string


Must be authenticated, team type is open and have the view_team permission.

Get a team by name
  Get a team based on provided name string
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated, team type is open and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-post optional-params)

Create a team Create a new team on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the create_team permission.

Create a team
  Create a new team on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `create_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-post-with-http-info {:keys [inline-object-23]})

Create a team Create a new team on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the create_team permission.

Create a team
  Create a new team on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `create_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-search-post optional-params)

Search teams Search teams based on search term provided in the request body.


Logged in user only shows open teams Logged in user with "manage_system" permission shows all teams

Search teams
  Search teams based on search term provided in the request body.
##### Permissions
Logged in user only shows open teams
Logged in user with "manage_system" permission shows all teams
raw docstring


(teams-search-post-with-http-info {:keys [inline-object-26]})

Search teams Search teams based on search term provided in the request body.


Logged in user only shows open teams Logged in user with "manage_system" permission shows all teams

Search teams
  Search teams based on search term provided in the request body.
##### Permissions
Logged in user only shows open teams
Logged in user with "manage_system" permission shows all teams
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-delete team-id)
(teams-team-id-delete team-id optional-params)

Delete a team Soft deletes a team, by marking the team as deleted in the database. Soft deleted teams will not be accessible in the user interface.

Optionally use the permanent query parameter to hard delete the team for compliance reasons. As of server version 5.0, to use this feature ServiceSettings.EnableAPITeamDeletion must be set to true in the server's configuration.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Delete a team
  Soft deletes a team, by marking the team as deleted in the database. Soft deleted teams will not be accessible in the user interface.

Optionally use the permanent query parameter to hard delete the team for compliance reasons. As of server version 5.0, to use this feature `ServiceSettings.EnableAPITeamDeletion` must be set to `true` in the server's configuration.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-delete-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-delete-with-http-info team-id {:keys [permanent]})

Delete a team Soft deletes a team, by marking the team as deleted in the database. Soft deleted teams will not be accessible in the user interface.

Optionally use the permanent query parameter to hard delete the team for compliance reasons. As of server version 5.0, to use this feature ServiceSettings.EnableAPITeamDeletion must be set to true in the server's configuration.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Delete a team
  Soft deletes a team, by marking the team as deleted in the database. Soft deleted teams will not be accessible in the user interface.

Optionally use the permanent query parameter to hard delete the team for compliance reasons. As of server version 5.0, to use this feature `ServiceSettings.EnableAPITeamDeletion` must be set to `true` in the server's configuration.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-get team-id)

Get a team Get a team on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team
  Get a team on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-get-with-http-info team-id)

Get a team Get a team on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team
  Get a team on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-delete team-id)

Remove the team icon Remove the team icon for the team.

Minimum server version: 4.10


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Remove the team icon
  Remove the team icon for the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.10

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-delete-with-http-info team-id)

Remove the team icon Remove the team icon for the team.

Minimum server version: 4.10


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Remove the team icon
  Remove the team icon for the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.10

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-get team-id)

Get the team icon Get the team icon of the team.

Minimum server version: 4.9


User must be authenticated. In addition, team must be open or the user must have the view_team permission.

Get the team icon
  Get the team icon of the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.9

##### Permissions
User must be authenticated. In addition, team must be open or the user must have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-get-with-http-info team-id)

Get the team icon Get the team icon of the team.

Minimum server version: 4.9


User must be authenticated. In addition, team must be open or the user must have the view_team permission.

Get the team icon
  Get the team icon of the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.9

##### Permissions
User must be authenticated. In addition, team must be open or the user must have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-post team-id image)

Sets the team icon Sets the team icon for the team.

Minimum server version: 4.9


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Sets the team icon
  Sets the team icon for the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.9

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-image-post-with-http-info team-id image)

Sets the team icon Sets the team icon for the team.

Minimum server version: 4.9


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Sets the team icon
  Sets the team icon for the team.

__Minimum server version__: 4.9

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-import-post team-id file filesize import-from)

Import a Team from other application Import a team into a existing team. Import users, channels, posts, hooks.


Must have permission_import_team permission.

Import a Team from other application
  Import a team into a existing team. Import users, channels, posts, hooks.
##### Permissions
Must have `permission_import_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-import-post-with-http-info team-id file filesize import-from)

Import a Team from other application Import a team into a existing team. Import users, channels, posts, hooks.


Must have permission_import_team permission.

Import a Team from other application
  Import a team into a existing team. Import users, channels, posts, hooks.
##### Permissions
Must have `permission_import_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-invite-email-post team-id string)

Invite users to the team by email Invite users to the existing team usign the user's email.


Must have invite_to_team permission for the team.

Invite users to the team by email
  Invite users to the existing team usign the user's email.
##### Permissions
Must have `invite_to_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-invite-email-post-with-http-info team-id string)

Invite users to the team by email Invite users to the existing team usign the user's email.


Must have invite_to_team permission for the team.

Invite users to the team by email
  Invite users to the existing team usign the user's email.
##### Permissions
Must have `invite_to_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-invite-guests-email-post team-id)
(teams-team-id-invite-guests-email-post team-id optional-params)

Invite guests to the team by email Invite guests to existing team channels usign the user's email.

Minimum server version: 5.16


Must have invite_guest permission for the team.

Invite guests to the team by email
  Invite guests to existing team channels usign the user's email.

__Minimum server version__: 5.16

##### Permissions
Must have `invite_guest` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-invite-guests-email-post-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-invite-guests-email-post-with-http-info team-id

Invite guests to the team by email Invite guests to existing team channels usign the user's email.

Minimum server version: 5.16


Must have invite_guest permission for the team.

Invite guests to the team by email
  Invite guests to existing team channels usign the user's email.

__Minimum server version__: 5.16

##### Permissions
Must have `invite_guest` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-batch-post team-id team-member)

Add multiple users to team Add a number of users to the team by user_id.


Must be authenticated. Authenticated user must have the add_user_to_team permission.

Add multiple users to team
  Add a number of users to the team by user_id.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated. Authenticated user must have the `add_user_to_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-batch-post-with-http-info team-id team-member)

Add multiple users to team Add a number of users to the team by user_id.


Must be authenticated. Authenticated user must have the add_user_to_team permission.

Add multiple users to team
  Add a number of users to the team by user_id.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated. Authenticated user must have the `add_user_to_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-get team-id)
(teams-team-id-members-get team-id optional-params)

Get team members Get a page team members list based on query string parameters - team id, page and per page.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get team members
  Get a page team members list based on query string parameters - team id, page and per page.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-get-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-members-get-with-http-info team-id {:keys [page per-page]})

Get team members Get a page team members list based on query string parameters - team id, page and per page.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get team members
  Get a page team members list based on query string parameters - team id, page and per page.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-ids-post team-id string)

Get team members by ids Get a list of team members based on a provided array of user ids.


Must have view_team permission for the team.

Get team members by ids
  Get a list of team members based on a provided array of user ids.
##### Permissions
Must have `view_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-ids-post-with-http-info team-id string)

Get team members by ids Get a list of team members based on a provided array of user ids.


Must have view_team permission for the team.

Get team members by ids
  Get a list of team members based on a provided array of user ids.
##### Permissions
Must have `view_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-minus-group-members-get team-id group-ids)
(teams-team-id-members-minus-group-members-get team-id

Team members minus group members. Get the set of users who are members of the team minus the set of users who are members of the given groups. Each user object contains an array of group objects representing the group memberships for that user. Each user object contains the boolean fields scheme_guest, scheme_user, and scheme_admin representing the roles that user has for the given team.


Must have manage_system permission.

Minimum server version: 5.14

Team members minus group members.
  Get the set of users who are members of the team minus the set of users who are members of the given groups.
Each user object contains an array of group objects representing the group memberships for that user.
Each user object contains the boolean fields `scheme_guest`, `scheme_user`, and `scheme_admin` representing the roles that user has for the given team.

##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.

__Minimum server version__: 5.14
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-minus-group-members-get-with-http-info team-id group-ids)
  {:keys [page per-page]})

Team members minus group members. Get the set of users who are members of the team minus the set of users who are members of the given groups. Each user object contains an array of group objects representing the group memberships for that user. Each user object contains the boolean fields scheme_guest, scheme_user, and scheme_admin representing the roles that user has for the given team.


Must have manage_system permission.

Minimum server version: 5.14

Team members minus group members.
  Get the set of users who are members of the team minus the set of users who are members of the given groups.
Each user object contains an array of group objects representing the group memberships for that user.
Each user object contains the boolean fields `scheme_guest`, `scheme_user`, and `scheme_admin` representing the roles that user has for the given team.

##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.

__Minimum server version__: 5.14
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-post team-id)
(teams-team-id-members-post team-id optional-params)

Add user to team Add user to the team by user_id.


Must be authenticated and team be open to add self. For adding another user, authenticated user must have the add_user_to_team permission.

Add user to team
  Add user to the team by user_id.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and team be open to add self. For adding another user, authenticated user must have the `add_user_to_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-post-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-members-post-with-http-info team-id {:keys [inline-object-27]})

Add user to team Add user to the team by user_id.


Must be authenticated and team be open to add self. For adding another user, authenticated user must have the add_user_to_team permission.

Add user to team
  Add user to the team by user_id.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and team be open to add self. For adding another user, authenticated user must have the `add_user_to_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-delete team-id user-id)

Remove user from team Delete the team member object for a user, effectively removing them from a team.


Must be logged in as the user or have the remove_user_from_team permission.

Remove user from team
  Delete the team member object for a user, effectively removing them from a team.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in as the user or have the `remove_user_from_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-delete-with-http-info team-id user-id)

Remove user from team Delete the team member object for a user, effectively removing them from a team.


Must be logged in as the user or have the remove_user_from_team permission.

Remove user from team
  Delete the team member object for a user, effectively removing them from a team.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in as the user or have the `remove_user_from_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-get team-id user-id)

Get a team member Get a team member on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team member
  Get a team member on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-get-with-http-info team-id user-id)

Get a team member Get a team member on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team member
  Get a team member on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-roles-put team-id user-id)
(teams-team-id-members-user-id-roles-put team-id user-id optional-params)

Update a team member roles Update a team member roles. Valid team roles are "team_user", "team_admin" or both of them. Overwrites any previously assigned team roles.


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team_roles permission.

Update a team member roles
  Update a team member roles. Valid team roles are "team_user", "team_admin" or both of them. Overwrites any previously assigned team roles.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team_roles` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-roles-put-with-http-info team-id user-id)
(teams-team-id-members-user-id-roles-put-with-http-info team-id

Update a team member roles Update a team member roles. Valid team roles are "team_user", "team_admin" or both of them. Overwrites any previously assigned team roles.


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team_roles permission.

Update a team member roles
  Update a team member roles. Valid team roles are "team_user", "team_admin" or both of them. Overwrites any previously assigned team roles.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team_roles` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-scheme-roles-put team-id user-id)
(teams-team-id-members-user-id-scheme-roles-put team-id user-id optional-params)

Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member. Update a team member's scheme_admin/scheme_user properties. Typically this should either be scheme_admin=false, scheme_user=true for ordinary team member, or scheme_admin=true, scheme_user=true for a team admin.

Minimum server version: 5.0


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team_roles permission.

Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member.
  Update a team member's scheme_admin/scheme_user properties. Typically this should either be `scheme_admin=false, scheme_user=true` for ordinary team member, or `scheme_admin=true, scheme_user=true` for a team admin.

__Minimum server version__: 5.0

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team_roles` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-members-user-id-scheme-roles-put-with-http-info team-id user-id)
  {:keys [inline-object-29]})

Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member. Update a team member's scheme_admin/scheme_user properties. Typically this should either be scheme_admin=false, scheme_user=true for ordinary team member, or scheme_admin=true, scheme_user=true for a team admin.

Minimum server version: 5.0


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team_roles permission.

Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member.
  Update a team member's scheme_admin/scheme_user properties. Typically this should either be `scheme_admin=false, scheme_user=true` for ordinary team member, or `scheme_admin=true, scheme_user=true` for a team admin.

__Minimum server version__: 5.0

##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team_roles` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-patch-put team-id)
(teams-team-id-patch-put team-id optional-params)

Patch a team Partially update a team by providing only the fields you want to update. Omitted fields will not be updated. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Patch a team
  Partially update a team by providing only the fields you want to update. Omitted fields will not be updated. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-patch-put-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-patch-put-with-http-info team-id {:keys [inline-object-25]})

Patch a team Partially update a team by providing only the fields you want to update. Omitted fields will not be updated. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Patch a team
  Partially update a team by providing only the fields you want to update. Omitted fields will not be updated. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-put team-id)
(teams-team-id-put team-id optional-params)

Update a team Update a team by providing the team object. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Update a team
  Update a team by providing the team object. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-put-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-put-with-http-info team-id {:keys [inline-object-24]})

Update a team Update a team by providing the team object. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.


Must have the manage_team permission.

Update a team
  Update a team by providing the team object. The fields that can be updated are defined in the request body, all other provided fields will be ignored.
##### Permissions
Must have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-regenerate-invite-id-post team-id)

Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team Regenerates the invite ID used in invite links of a team


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team
  Regenerates the invite ID used in invite links of a team
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-regenerate-invite-id-post-with-http-info team-id)

Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team Regenerates the invite ID used in invite links of a team


Must be authenticated and have the manage_team permission.

Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team
  Regenerates the invite ID used in invite links of a team
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `manage_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-scheme-put team-id)
(teams-team-id-scheme-put team-id optional-params)

Set a team's scheme Set a team's scheme, more specifically sets the scheme_id value of a team record.


Must have manage_system permission.

Minimum server version: 5.0

Set a team's scheme
  Set a team's scheme, more specifically sets the scheme_id value of a team record.

##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.

__Minimum server version__: 5.0
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-scheme-put-with-http-info team-id)
(teams-team-id-scheme-put-with-http-info team-id {:keys [inline-object-31]})

Set a team's scheme Set a team's scheme, more specifically sets the scheme_id value of a team record.


Must have manage_system permission.

Minimum server version: 5.0

Set a team's scheme
  Set a team's scheme, more specifically sets the scheme_id value of a team record.

##### Permissions
Must have `manage_system` permission.

__Minimum server version__: 5.0
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-stats-get team-id)

Get a team stats Get a team stats on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team stats
  Get a team stats on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(teams-team-id-stats-get-with-http-info team-id)

Get a team stats Get a team stats on the system.


Must be authenticated and have the view_team permission.

Get a team stats
  Get a team stats on the system.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated and have the `view_team` permission.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-get user-id)

Get a user's teams Get a list of teams that a user is on.


Must be authenticated as the user or have the manage_system permission.

Get a user's teams
  Get a list of teams that a user is on.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated as the user or have the `manage_system` permission.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-get-with-http-info user-id)

Get a user's teams Get a list of teams that a user is on.


Must be authenticated as the user or have the manage_system permission.

Get a user's teams
  Get a list of teams that a user is on.
##### Permissions
Must be authenticated as the user or have the `manage_system` permission.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-members-get user-id)

Get team members for a user Get a list of team members for a user. Useful for getting the ids of teams the user is on and the roles they have in those teams.


Must be logged in as the user or have the edit_other_users permission.

Get team members for a user
  Get a list of team members for a user. Useful for getting the ids of teams the user is on and the roles they have in those teams.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in as the user or have the `edit_other_users` permission.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-members-get-with-http-info user-id)

Get team members for a user Get a list of team members for a user. Useful for getting the ids of teams the user is on and the roles they have in those teams.


Must be logged in as the user or have the edit_other_users permission.

Get team members for a user
  Get a list of team members for a user. Useful for getting the ids of teams the user is on and the roles they have in those teams.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in as the user or have the `edit_other_users` permission.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-team-id-unread-get user-id team-id)

Get unreads for a team Get the unread mention and message counts for a team for the specified user.


Must be the user or have edit_other_users permission and have view_team permission for the team.

Get unreads for a team
  Get the unread mention and message counts for a team for the specified user.
##### Permissions
Must be the user or have `edit_other_users` permission and have `view_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-team-id-unread-get-with-http-info user-id team-id)

Get unreads for a team Get the unread mention and message counts for a team for the specified user.


Must be the user or have edit_other_users permission and have view_team permission for the team.

Get unreads for a team
  Get the unread mention and message counts for a team for the specified user.
##### Permissions
Must be the user or have `edit_other_users` permission and have `view_team` permission for the team.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-unread-get user-id exclude-team)

Get team unreads for a user Get the count for unread messages and mentions in the teams the user is a member of.


Must be logged in.

Get team unreads for a user
  Get the count for unread messages and mentions in the teams the user is a member of.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in.
raw docstring


(users-user-id-teams-unread-get-with-http-info user-id exclude-team)

Get team unreads for a user Get the count for unread messages and mentions in the teams the user is a member of.


Must be logged in.

Get team unreads for a user
  Get the count for unread messages and mentions in the teams the user is a member of.
##### Permissions
Must be logged in.
raw docstring

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