I came across the Soundex algorithm when researching the retro KAMAS outlining application. Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing words by sound.
I came across the Soundex algorithm when researching the retro KAMAS outlining application. Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing words by sound.
(encode word & {:keys [numeric?] :as opts})
Soundex is an algorithm for creating indices for words based on their English pronunciation. Homophones are encoded such that words can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. Example, the words "Ashcraft" and "Ashcroft" are both encoded as the same soundex code "A261".
This function accepts the following keyword arguments:
:numeric? -> true numerically encodes the entire word rather than using the default soundex letter prefix.
Soundex is an algorithm for creating indices for words based on their English pronunciation. Homophones are encoded such that words can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. Example, the words "Ashcraft" and "Ashcroft" are both encoded as the same soundex code "A261". This function accepts the following keyword arguments: :numeric? -> true numerically encodes the entire word rather than using the default soundex letter prefix.
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