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(cancel-scheduled tt)
(cancel-scheduled handle)

Cancel a scheduled task.

Cancel a scheduled task.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(error? x)

Dialect-independent error check predicate. Checks for exceptions, errors, throwables, ex-info, etc. Whatever makes sense to be considered as, and handled as, an error for the host language.

Dialect-independent error check predicate.  Checks for
exceptions, errors, throwables, ex-info, etc.  Whatever
makes sense to be considered as, and handled as, an
error for the host language.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(gather form pred & {:keys [select] :or {select identity}})

Recursively looks through a form for items for which pred is truthy. Returns a vector of all such items.

If select is given, then for each form/subform it'll be called to choose the parts of the form that should be scanned. It receives the form, and should return the thing that should be scanned.

Recursively looks through a form for items for which
`pred` is truthy.  Returns a vector of all such items.

If `select` is given, then for each form/subform it'll
be called to choose the parts of the form that should
be scanned.  It receives the form, and should return
the thing that should be scanned.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(schedule-every delay f & args)

Dialect-independent function to schedule periodic task. Schedules f to be invoked with args every delay milliseconds.

Returns a handle that can be passed to cancel-scheduled to cancel it.

Dialect-independent function to schedule periodic task.  Schedules
`f` to be invoked with `args` every `delay` milliseconds.

Returns a handle that can be passed to `cancel-scheduled` to
cancel it.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(schedule-once delay f & args)

Dialect-independent task scheduler. Schedules f to be invoked with args, after delay millseconds.

Returns a handle that can be passed to cancel-scheduled to cancel the task.

Dialect-independent task scheduler.  Schedules `f` to be invoked
with `args`, after `delay` millseconds.

Returns a handle that can be passed to `cancel-scheduled` to cancel
the task.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(sig-listen sig f)
(sig-listen sig k f)

Attach a listener to sig, a signal. k is a key that can be used to remove the listener via sig-unlisten; if omitted then f doubles as the key.

f is the callback to be invoked when the signal is called.

Attach a listener to `sig`, a signal. `k` is a key
that can be used to remove the listener via `sig-unlisten`;
if omitted then `f` doubles as the key.

`f` is the callback to be invoked when the signal is called.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(sig-unlisten sig k)

Removes a signal listener with the key k.

Removes a signal listener with the key `k`.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring



Creates a signal, which is a callable that, when called, invokes all listener callbacks attached to it. Listeners can be registered with sig-listen and sig-unlisten.

Creates a signal, which is a callable that, when called,
invokes all listener callbacks attached to it.  Listeners
can be registered with `sig-listen` and `sig-unlisten`.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(signal? x)

Returns true if x is a signal.

Returns true if `x` is a signal.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(ticker delay)

Creates a signal and schedules it to be called every delay milliseconds. Returns a tuple [sig scheduled], where sig is the signal, and scheduled is a handle that can be passed to cancel-scheduled to cancel the periodic calls.

Creates a signal and schedules it to be called every `delay`
milliseconds.  Returns a tuple `[sig scheduled]`, where `sig`
is the signal, and `scheduled` is a handle that can be passed
to `cancel-scheduled` to cancel the periodic calls.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(try-fn f & {catch-fn :catch finally-fn :finally})

Dialect independent version of try with catch-anything.

Dialect independent version of try with catch-anything.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring

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