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A hiccup-like markup library that normalizes forms and extracts constants during macro-expansion. Designed for use with clj-arsenal/wc, clj-arsenal/vdom, and clj-arsenal/html.

(require '[clj-arsenal.burp :refer [burp]])

   {:style {:display :flex}}

Unfortunately the Clojure reader doesn't attach source location information to non-list forms; so if you wan't better location info in error reports, this alternate form can be used.

(require '[clj-arsenal.burp :refer [$]])

($ :div#foo.myclass
  {:style {:display :flex}}

Burp doesn't support inline nesting tags with a > as some hiccup-like notations allow (e.g :div>span), because burp (and the libraries that use burp) allow namespace qualified keywords as tags, which doesn't work so well with this notation. Instead use vectors for inline nesting: [:div :span].

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