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(<< injection-key & args)

Creates an injection. These can be placed in actions, bindings, and markup; and nested in other injectors. Injectors will be substituted by the value returned by the registered injection handler.

  (act :do-something (<< :inject-some-data))
  (bnd :something (<< :inject-some-data))

As a convenience, injectors can be chained without nesting:

(<< :inject-something 1 2 << :inject-something-else)
;; is equivalent to
(<< :inject-something 1 2 (<< :inject-something-else))
Creates an injection.  These can be placed in actions, bindings,
and markup; and nested in other injectors. Injectors will be substituted
by the value returned by the registered injection handler.

  (act :do-something (<< :inject-some-data))
  (bnd :something (<< :inject-some-data))

As a convenience, injectors can be chained without nesting:

(<< :inject-something 1 2 << :inject-something-else)
;; is equivalent to
(<< :inject-something 1 2 (<< :inject-something-else))
sourceraw docstring


(<<< & args)


(<<act & effects)
(<<act {:keys [log? prevent-default? stop-propagation? dispatch delta]}


(<<ctx & path)


(act & effects)
(act {:keys [log? prevent-default? stop-propagation? dispatch delta]} & effects)

Construct an action.

 :on-click (act [:do-something (<< :inject-something)]
                [:do-something-else "some data"])
 "Click Me!"]

Actions are declarative sequences of events. They can be called, and have value semantics. If called with a js/Event Zero will automatically extract an 'action context' from the event, which will be a map with the following:

{:zero.core/ (comment "event-type-dependent data extracted from the event via `zero.config/harvest-event`")
 :zero.core/ (comment "the event target")
 :zero.core/event.current (comment "the current element which the event is being dispatched on")
 :zero.core/event (comment "the original event, this will generally be stale")
 :zero.core/host (comment "if `:root` is a ShadowRoot, then this will be its host element, otherwise `nil`")
 :zero.core/root (comment "the root element of `:current`)}

The context will be passed to injectors found within the action, which can extract useful info from the context and 'inject` it into the action's effect forms before each dispatch.

This function may also take a 'props' map as its first argument, the following props are supported in a ClojureScript context:

  • :log? - log various bits of useful info when this action is dispatched, useful for debugging
  • :prevent-default? - call .preventDefault() on the event, when dispatched with an event
  • :stop-propagation? - call .stopPropagation() on the event, when dispatched with an event
  • :dispatch - the dispatch strategy, one of (:default, :immediate, :throttle, :debounce)
  • :delta - if :dispatch is :throttle or :debounce, specifies the delta for each dispatch

In a ClojureScript context, and when dispatching with an event, the action dispatch will be scheduled with setTimeout rather than invoked directly. This improves consistency between throttled vs non-throttled dispatches; the event will always be stale. Use :immediate dispatch to have the action dispatch immediately when called.

Construct an action.

 :on-click (act [:do-something (<< :inject-something)]
                [:do-something-else "some data"])
 "Click Me!"]


Actions are declarative sequences of events.  They can be
called, and have value semantics.  If called with a `js/Event`
Zero will automatically extract an 'action context' from the
event, which will be a map with the following:

{:zero.core/ (comment "event-type-dependent data extracted from the event via `zero.config/harvest-event`")
 :zero.core/ (comment "the event target")
 :zero.core/event.current (comment "the current element which the event is being dispatched on")
 :zero.core/event (comment "the original event, this will generally be stale")
 :zero.core/host (comment "if `:root` is a ShadowRoot, then this will be its host element, otherwise `nil`")
 :zero.core/root (comment "the root element of `:current`)}

The context will be passed to injectors found within the action, which can extract useful info from
the context and 'inject` it into the action's effect forms before each dispatch.

This function may also take a 'props' map as its first argument, the following props are supported
in a ClojureScript context:

- `:log?` - log various bits of useful info when this action is dispatched, useful for debugging
- `:prevent-default?` - call `.preventDefault()` on the event, when dispatched with an event
- `:stop-propagation?` - call `.stopPropagation()` on the event, when dispatched with an event
- `:dispatch` - the dispatch strategy, one of (`:default`, `:immediate`, `:throttle`, `:debounce`)
- `:delta` - if `:dispatch` is `:throttle` or `:debounce`, specifies the delta for each dispatch

In a ClojureScript context, and when dispatching with an event, the action dispatch will be scheduled
with `setTimeout` rather than invoked directly.  This improves consistency between throttled vs non-throttled
dispatches; the event will always be stale.  Use `:immediate` dispatch to have the action dispatch immediately
when called.
sourceraw docstring


(act->map act)


(act? x)


(bnd stream-key & args)
(bnd {:keys [default default-nil?]} stream-key & args)

Construct a binding.

 :value (bnd {:default "foo"} :db/something)]

A binding is a declarative reference to a registered data stream. When said data stream is active (has watchers) the binding can be deref'd for the current value of the stream; otherwise a deref yields nil. Bindings are IWatchable and have value semantics. When watching an instance of a binding, what's really being watched is the underlying data stream; so any instance is fine to add and remove watches, particular instances don't need to be held on to.

Construct a binding.

 :value (bnd {:default "foo"} :db/something)]

A binding is a declarative reference to a registered data stream.  When
said data stream is active (has watchers) the binding can be deref'd for
the current value of the stream; otherwise a deref yields nil.  Bindings
are `IWatchable` and have value semantics.  When watching an instance of a
binding, what's really being watched is the underlying data stream; so any
instance is fine to add and remove watches, particular instances don't need
to be held on to.
sourceraw docstring


(bnd->map bnd)


(bnd? x)


(css-selector x)


(element-name kw)

Given a keyword, returns the custom element name that'll be generated for a component with this name.

Given a keyword, returns the custom element name that'll be generated
for a component with this name.
sourceraw docstring


(inj->map inj)


(inj? x)


(map->act m)


(map->bnd m)


(map->inj m)


(map->sig m)


(sig k)

Create a signal. For when a component needs to know about external happenstance.

(def my-sig (sig ::my-signal-key))

;; elsewhere
[::some-component :focus-signal my-sig]

;; elsewhere
 {:props #{:focus-signal}
  :view (fn [{:keys [focus-signal]}]
          ::z/on {focus-signal (act [::focus (<<ctx ::z/current)])}])})

;; elsewhere
Create a signal.  For when a component needs to know about
external happenstance.

    (def my-sig (sig ::my-signal-key))
    ;; elsewhere
    [::some-component :focus-signal my-sig]

    ;; elsewhere
     {:props #{:focus-signal}
      :view (fn [{:keys [focus-signal]}]
              ::z/on {focus-signal (act [::focus (<<ctx ::z/current)])}])})

    ;; elsewhere
sourceraw docstring


(sig->map x)


(sig? x)

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