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Zero Markup Syntax

Zero uses normal Clojure data structures to represent markup, similar to Hiccup and Reagent.

Most values will just be stringified and rendered as TextNodes; the exceptions are seqs and vectors.

Seqs (including nil) will be flattened, and all children rendered inline in place of the seq itself. This means nil renders nothing.

Vectors usually get rendered as some kind of HTMLElement. They should begin with a keyword indicating the element tag.

[:div "I am a DIV"]
<div>I am a DIV</div>

Vectors can also include props (either a map or sequence of keyword-value pairs) following the initial tag:

[:div {:foo "something"} "I am a DIV"]
[:div :foo "something" "I am a DIV"]
<div foo="something">I am a DIV</div>

Props get rendered to the DOM like this: if the target element type has a matching property name (the prop name converted to cammelCase) then that property will be set to the prop value, otherwise the value will be stringified and set as an attribute on the element, with the same name as the prop.

As a convenient shorthand, an ID and classes can be included in the node's tag.

[ "I'm a DIV"]
<div id="my-thing" class="foo bar">I'm a DIV</div>

And nodes with a single child can be given as a nesting:

[[] :baz "something" "I'm a SPAN"]
<div class="foo"><span class="bar" baz="something">I'm a SPAN</span></div>


A vector with the special tag :root> may be given as the top-level node of a component's markup. This provides a node on which to attach props that apply to the component itself, rather than one of its child elements.

Special Props

Zero supports a set of props which have special meaning to the rendering engine. These are all namespaced with z, un-namespaced props are always treated consistently as described above.


This prop allows event handlers to be declaratively attached to the target element.

  • On the :root> node it attaches even handlers to the ShadowRoot, onto which the following lifecycle events are dispatched by Zero
    • connect - after the first render once a component has been connected to the document
    • disconnect - when the component is disconnected from the document
    • render - after every render
    • update - after every render except the first
 ::z/on {:click #(js/console.log "Clicked")}
 "Click Me"]

Either keywords or strings can be used for the event name, but they shouldn't be mixed.


This should be given as a map of prop-name -> watchable. The watchable will be bound to the named prop; so when its value changes, so the prop will be updated accordingly. If the watchable can also be deref'd, then it'll be deref'd for an initial value.


This prop allows an inline style for the element to be given as a map.

  • On the :root> node, it sets the default style for the component's host element
  • It should not be used together with the :style prop
 ::z/style {:cursor "pointer" :color "black"}
 "I'm a BUTTON"]
<button style="cursor: pointer; color: black;">I'm a BUTTON</div>


This prop allows the class list of an element to be set as a Clojure collection.

  • It will be ignored on the :root> node
  • It should not be used together with the :class prop
 ::z/class ["cursor-pointer" "text-black"]
 "I'm a BUTTON"]
<button class="cursor-pointer text-black">I'm a BUTTON</div>


Only applies to the :root> node. Allows a collection of URLs and CSSStyleSheet instances to be set for the component. These stylesheets will be adopted by the component's ShadowRoot.


Not implemented yet. Will only apply to the :root> node. Will allow setting default aria properties via ElementInternals.


This prop serves the same purpose of React's key props. It allows a node to be identified as rendering to the same element instance accross renders.

Due to Zero's simplified rendering algorithm, keys may not be needed as often in Zero components as in React components. Generally, unless you have a list of things that will be re-ordered and need to be rendered stably to consistent element instances; keys are probably unnecessary.


This prop serves a similar purpose to HTTP ETags. It allows the renderer to explicitly indicate if a node has changed or not. If found on a node, Zero will only ever re-render that node when this prop changes.

This allows the component to help optimize rendering, since Zero won't need to do any comparisons if the :zero.core/tag indicates that nothing has changed.

In some cases tags can mess with hot reload workflows (e.g if CSS is auto-generated), so they can be ignored in dev builds by setting the zero.config/disable-tags? Closure define. Here's a shadow-cljs.edn example:

   :dev {:closure-defines {zero.config/disable-tags? true}}}}}


A true value for this prop tells Zero to never mess with the contents (body) of the node it's attached to. This allows the contents to be rendered in some other way without Zero getting in the way.

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