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Zero Extras

Zero's core is intentionally kept small and very basic. The intent is that projects can build their own 'framework' on top of Zero, with the tooling and utilities needed for their particular project; without introducing a lot of unnecessary fluff.

But for many projects, our requirements aren't that complicated, and we don't need to build everything custom. It's sometimes nice to just have what we need to get started on a project, without doing a lot of extra groundwork. So Zero also comes with a set of optional extras in zero.extras.*, which may make building with Zero that much easier.


This module provides a few useful utility functions.

  • (derived f & deps)

    Creates a function that can serve as the handler for a derived data stream. Takes a function f of the form (fn [[& deps] & args]) which maps the values from its dependencies to the stream's output value, and the sequence of watchable dependencies deps.

        (fn [[foo bar] & _args]
          (+ foo bar))
        (bnd :foo)
        (bnd :bar)))
  • (watch key f & deps)

    Registers a function to do something when a set of dependency watchables changes. Takes a key which can be used to (unwatch key), a function f of the form (fn [& deps]), and a sequence of dependency watchables deps.

  • (unwatch key)

    Removes a watcher registered with watch.


Many modern UI frameworks are built around the concept of a single centralized in-memory DB on the front-end housing all FE business state. This makes it trivial to display the same data in multiple places and formats without duplicating state (and complexity). It works quite well. So Zero provides an optional (and very basic) implementation of this pattern in zero.extras.db.

This DB implementation is very basic, and you're encouraged to look elsewhere for more appropriate implementations if it does not satisfy your projects requirements. A few examples that may be more appropriate for more complex requirements include:

That said, this DB will probably work just fine for many basic projects. The module exposes the following functions and registrations for interacting with the main DB.

  • (get path)

    Resolves some path against the DB.

  • (patch! patch)

    Applies a patch to the DB. The patch is a vector of changes, each change being a map of the form: {:path path-to-change :<op> op-payload :fnil default-value}. The :fnil is optional, if given its value will be substituted for the current value at the given path when applying the change op, if said value is nil. The <op> determines how the path's value is changed, and can be one of:

    • :merge - merge the current value with the op-payload. Both values should be maps.
    • :conj - conj the given op-payload into the current path value. The current value should be a collection.
    • :into - Put the values from the given op-payload into the current path value. Both should be collections.
    • :patch - Treat op-payload as a sub-patch, to be applied at the path.
    • :value - Replace the current path value with op-payload.
    • :fn, :args - Apply op-payload (should be a function) to the current path value and any extra args given in :args.
  • (<< ::db/path path)

    Injects the value at path in the DB.

  • (bnd ::db/path path)

    Tracks the current value at path in the DB.

  • (act [::db/patch patch])

    Applies patch to the DB. Equivalent to (patch! patch).

In addition, the (apply-patch m patch) function, which implements the DB's patching functionality against any map, is exposed to allow for implementing other DBs with the same patch notation. This function returns [patched-m affected-paths].

More to come

More utilities will likely be added to Zero extras in the future. Open an issue if you'd like to make a request.

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