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This document describes the Menard API and how to deploy it as a standalone service or in AWS Lambda.


See the server directory.

AWS Lambda

See also the lambda directory. The documentation below references files within that directory.


Set up an ECR repository as described in this, including building, tagging, and pushing the Docker image for menard-lambda-deployer.


Create a bucket called menard-lambda.



Create the role codebuild-menard-service-role with this IAM Policy, replacing AWS_REGION and AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with your selected AWS region and AWS Account ID.


Create the role new-deployer with this IAM Policy, replacing AWS_ACCOUNT_IDwith your AWS Account ID.


Project Configuration

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Project Name|menard|


|Key|Value| |-|-| |Source Provider | Github | |Repository|Public repository|

Service role permissions

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project|Yes|


|Key|Value| |-|-| |Image Type|Custom Image| |Environment type|ARM (but "Linux" or "Linux GPU" might work too)| |Image Registry|Amazon ECR| |ECR Account|My ECR Account| |Amazon ECR Repository| (use the one you created above in the "ECR" section) | |Amazon ECR image|(use the one you created above in the "ECR" section) | |Image Pull Credentials|AWS CodeBuild Credentials| |Service role|arn:aws:iam::<YOUR AWS ACCOUNT ID>:role/service-role/codebuild-menard-service-role| |Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project|Yes|

The rest of this form can be left with the default values.


|Key|Value| |-|-| |Use a buildspec file|Yes - choose this option| |Buildspec Name|lambda/buildspec.yml

Batch Configuration

|Key|Value| |-|-| |New Service Role|Yes - choose this option|


|Key|Value| |-|-| |Type|Amazon S3| |Bucket Name|menard-lambda| |Name|| |Artifact packaging|Zip| |Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project|Yes|

CloudWatch Logs

|Key|Value| |-|-| |CloudWatch logs - optional|I chose yes, but I don't find I need to look at the logs, but it's good for debugging especially when trying to get started| |Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project|Yes|


Stage: Source

There is a single action:

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Action name|Source| |Action provider | GitHub (Version 2)| |Repository name | ekoontz/menard| |Branch name | main| |Start the pipeline on source code change?| Yes| |Output artifact format | CodePipeline default| |Variable namespace | SourceVariables| |Output artifacts | SourceArtifact |

Stage: Build

There is a single action, which uses the buildspec.yml to build the following artifacts, defined in buildspec.yml's artifacts/files:

These artifacts are created by doing to following steps defined in buildspec.yml's phases/build/commands:

  1. install Leiningen
  2. cd to the lambda subdirectory of the menard source tree.
  3. create the uberjar menard-lambda.jar as configured by lambda/project.clj
  4. run native-image on the menard-lambda.jar file created in step 3.
  5. copy the menard_lambda binary to the top-level directory /, along with bootstrap and template-native.yml as mentioned above.

Create the following build configuration in the build stage:

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Action name | Build| |Action provider | AWS CodeBuild| |Region | any should work but I chose Europe/Frankfurt| |Input artifacts | SourceArtifact| |Project name | menard (see above in the CodeBuild section of the docs)| |Build type | Single build| |Variable namespace | BuildVariables| |Output artifacts | BuildArtifact|

Deploy stage

There is a single action, which is to create or update the AWS CloudFormation Stack 'menard' as specified by /template-native.yml.

Use the following for the form that lets you add a new action:

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Action name | deploy| |Action provider | AWS CloudFormation| |Region | any should work but I chose Europe/Frankfurt| |Input artifacts | BuildArtifact| |Action mode | Create or update a stack| |Stack name | menard|


/template-native.yml creates the various AWS Lambda functions via AWS CloudFormation. Each function defines the following:

  • a Handler, e.g. menard.lambda.def.AnalyzeEN created via fierycod.holy-lambda.core/deflambda. Each handler name has the prefix menard.lambda.def.
  • a Path, used to route requests from the API gateway to the given lambda function.
  • a Method, the HTTP method to be used. Currently only get is used by /template-native.yml.
  • a FunctionName, e.g. AnalyzeEN. This is always simply the last segment of the dotted name in the Handler.

Use the following for the form that lets you add a Template:

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Artifact Name | BuildArtifact| |File name | /template-native.yml| |Template file path | BuildArtifact::/template-native.yml (this value will be auto-filled in by the above two fields (Artifact name and File name)|

Template configuration (optional)

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Use configuration file | (leave this unchecked) |Artifact name | (leave blank) |File name | (leave blank) |Template configuration file path | (leave blank)

Capabilities (optional)

Add the following capabilities:


Role name


This role was created above in the IAM section.


For 'Parameter Overrides' use:

{ "BucketName": { "Fn::GetArtifactAtt" : [ "BuildArtifact", "BucketName" ] },
  "ObjectKey": { "Fn::GetArtifactAtt" : [ "BuildArtifact", "ObjectKey" ] }}

This is needed to supply the values BucketName and ObjectKey in the CodeUri for each function defined in template-native.yml.

API Gateway

When the build pipeline runs, it should have either created a new API Gateway API called menard. Locate the menard API within the AWS UI and modify the Custom Domains to add the domain name

Make a note of the API Gateway domain name within the API's configuration; it will be a name within AWS's namespace, such as

DNS Settings

Define an ALIAS within the domain (this is not managed by AWS currently, but a different company,

The ALIAS fields should be:

|Key|Value| |-|-| |Name|| |Content||

The actual value of Content will be different than this example value.

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