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Clojure library for programatically Compressing & Decompressing JAR files

(compress! source-jar & {:as options})

(decompress! source-jar & {:as options})

Why would you want to do this? Maybe you're bundling a bunch of JARs inside your uberjar and then extracting them and adding them to the classpath at runtime. Might as well shrink those JARs as small as we can

Compressing JAR Files

Typical Usage

(compress! "/Users/cam/metabase/resources/modules/sparksql.metabase-driver.jar"
  :blacklist "/Users/cam/metabase/uberjar-blacklist.txt"
  :pack200 {:classes-to-skip ["org/apache/hadoop/hive/shims/Hadoop23Shims.class"]}
  :compression :gz)



The first arg to compress! is the source JAR. It can be either a String filename, java.nio.files.Path, or an InputStream.


You can optionally include a list of files to exclude from the destination JAR by specifiying :blacklist. The blacklist can be either a collection of filename strings, or a single string filename containing a list of filenames separated by newlines; a typical way to generate this file would be something like:

jar -tf target/uberjar/metabase.jar > uberjar-blacklist.txt

Whether to use Pack 200 to pack the JAR. Defaults to true. You may instead pass a map of pack 200 options. Currently, the only supported option is classes-to-skip; like :blacklist, this may be either a collection or the name of a file containing a list of classes to skip.

(Yes, Pack 200 is deprecated, but until we target only the version of Java where it is removed and above we will be able to continue to use it, which should be many years in the future. For example, if we compile against Java 8, there's no reason we can't include the Pack 200 classes as part of this library to support usage on Java 13 or whatever version removes those classes; only when we start compiling against Java 13 will it be time to retire things entirely.)


Whether to strip directories from the resulting JAR. Defaults to true. You should only set this to false if you need to get a URI to one of the directories in the JAR, e.g. via class.getResource() or the like; this isn't true of any Metabase drivers, which is why it is false by default.

In contrast, note that the Metabase uberjar itself needs to keep directory entries because we iterate over entries under the modules directory (via io/resource).


Whether to strip Clojure and Java source files from the compressed JAR. Default: true


Compression method to use. Defaults to :xz. Allowed options are :xz, :gz (GZIP), or :none. Note that JARs are already compressed, so using :compression without pack 200 is unlikely to reduce the JAR size by more that a few percentage points.


Name of the String destination file, or Path, or OutputStream, to write the packed and compressed bytes to. Defaults to something like <input-filename>.pack.xz, with extensions based on the values of the :pack200 and :compression options. Note that if the input isn't a String filename or Path, we can't come up with a default output filename, and you'll have to specify :out.

Decompressing JAR Files

Typical Usage

(decompress! "/Users/cam/metabase/resources/modules/sparksql.metabase-driver.jar.pack.xz")



Name of the (String) filename to decompress, or a Path or InputStream.


Whether this should be pack200-unpacked. Defaults to true if the input filename contains .pack as the last or second-to-last extension. Note that if input is not a filename (i.e., if input is an InputStream), we cannot determine the default value of this, and so you must specify this option.


Compression algorithm to use to decompress input. By default, inferred from the input filename; if input is an InputStream, you must specify this option manually.

It is probably possibly to look at the first few bytes and infer the algorithm that way instead; PRs welcome!


String or Path Filename to write decompressed/unpacked results bytes, or an OutputStream. Defaults to the input filename without .pack and without .xz/.gz; if input is not a filename, you must specify this option manually.


You can add support for additional compression algorithms by adding implementations for metabase.jar-compression.algorithms methods compressed-input-stream and compressed-output-stream.

You can add support for more input and output types besides String and Path filenames and InputStream/OutputStream by adding implementations for metabase.jar-compression.common methods ->input-stream and ->output-stream.


Copyright © 2018 Metabase, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, same as Clojure.

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